If you sit with JC and Joey...

You seat yourself between the gorgeous JC and Joey. You're in your moment of glory. Joey starts coming onto you majorly, which is no surprise to you. You politely push him away and look at JC, who, to your utter disappointment, has fallen asleep. Well--he didn't lie about his hobby! He looks much too peaceful to awake, so you leave him alone.

You turn back to Joey, who is looking quite disoriented. Suddenly, he jerks his head forward and hurls ALL over you! Can you say HANGOVER? You're disgusted, and excusing yourself, ask one of the set-up crew in the hall where the bathroom is. You wash yourself off, but it takes an awful long time...since Joey's such a big guy.

Hearing music, you realize that the concert has already started. You run out and try to find your friends to sit down. To your horror, you can't find them, so you ask someone if they have seen them. The woman points up to Row X of the 3rd balcony. With a gloomy look, you climb the stairs to meet them, but you can't help but start to smile. Hey--you did get to meet the guys, and you do have a momento of Joey's throw-up! All in all, an experience not soon to be forgotten.

Thrust It To Me