Kids Choice Awards

What are Justy and Joey doing? Perhaps trying hard to think/name all the girl's that they have gotten "jiggy wit" on the "Ain't No Stopping Us Now!" Tour. Who the hell

Ok, if ya'll saw the Kids Choice Awards on Nickelodeon...then you are pry pissed cuz you wasted 2 hours of your Saturday night to be blinded by Topanga's ugliness, and to have your eyes gouged out by Britney's new implants. Let's just say that she looked a little cold. Lol. All in all, it was a pretty..ahem...BORING...performance by all.

Ok, N Sync comes out...running and jumping around like morons as usual. I didn't pay much attention to Lance, Chris, and Joey...just cuz I am getting sick of ripping on them, and they STILL dress horribly. At least horrible most of the time. I don't recall what they were wearing this time around, I was too busy trying to figure out the mystery that is Justin and JC.

First of all...did anyone else notice that JC has LESS clothing on than Justin?!? Did anyone take notes on this? Did anyone QUESTION why that is?!? Also, did you notice that JC has muscles developing? He doesn't look like a heroin addict anymore. I guess Joey finally explained to him that the waif look was out, and more robust figures (such as his) are back in! Lol.

I really do like Justin's hair though...the red does make him look a lot older. Very nice. Also, I absolutely loved his outfit. I don't know who dressed him, but he needs to go give her a big hug! Then he needs to recruit her in dressing him for all major award shows and concerts. (Cuz frankly...the AMA's and the Billboard Award outfits made me cry) JC needs to lose the ugly ass red goggle things. Yes, I know that Chris had them on too, but if Chris told you to put your hair in dred locks and act like you are 12...would you? That's what I thought.

Also, notice how they sing the three songs that EVERYONE AND THEIR DOG IS SICK OF!!!!!

Anyhow, they all seem WAYYYYYY to excited to receive that award. I guess I would be too if I beat out the Fagstreet Boys. Haha...too bad ole Britney didn't win an award. They have to have SOMETHING for Skankiest Woman Alive, don't they?!?!

More coming later when I get my vision back after being poked in the eye by Ms. Spears new "friends". Lol.

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