Leno 3: Stop with the Hand Gestures already!!

Alright, alright, I know that this is pry old news...but hey, I am busy, I have a life. I have been slow getting stuff up these days, but so has Chris (get it?!?! Lol.) and we all still love him. So here is the review of Leno...I Drive Myself Crazy.

First off...what was Chris smoking before the show? I think he had a little too much of JC's crack/caffiene. He sounded nervous and off key!

Next...Justin sounded lovely. I really do like his hair red. At first...I saw a couple pics that made me want to vomit. BUT...then I realized that in the pictures I saw, he looks like he is heavily into drugs. So...I figured that he would look that way on Leno, but I was seriously mistaken.

JC...wipe that dirt off your face...was Joey feeding you again?!?! Oh wait...it's just your attempt at looking like the "hip kat" that you are. Lol. Good try, but I say stick with the clean cut look. It suits you much better. Also, I thought he was gonna take Justin or one of the other guys out with his spastic arm movements. I don't know if he was trying to conduct the audience...feel the rhythm or WHAT, but it was getting on my nerves. I seriously feared for Justin's life...those long ass arms could do some serious damage, especially at the incredibly fast rate he was swinging those things around.

Anyhow, I loved the look that Justin was giving his "good friend" JC at the end of the song. Was that a look of love in his eyes?! You be the judge! The creator of Ambiguously Gay Duo says she feels a sequel coming on! (if anyone knows WHERE we can get pics of it, LET US KNOW!!!) I think the smile on his face was an indication that he liked the spanking that was going on at that moment. Notice JC's hand disappeared behind Justin? That's what I thought!! The little perverts! Lol.

On to the interview portion...long as always *cough, choke*. First Justin has to go off about how much he gets mistaken for Ryan Phillippe. First of all...HE WISHES!! Reese covered it well when she said, "I see Ryan's face everywhere." Meaning...Justin looks nothing like my man, but I don't want to embarass him on national television. So yeah...then another thing that bugged the hell out of me was when Justy made all the fans seem like retards who come up and start busting out in a rendition of one of their songs. Um...no. If I met one of them I would pry die from laughing so hard at their stupid asses. (excuse my language)

Then Jay asks the all mighty "are you dating Danielle?" question to Lance. He answers with a long retarded GUY answer about them being "good friends". (Good friends my ass...he is getting some and you all know it) But Jay calls him on it, and Lance finally admits on national television that he is in fact DATING that little treasure troll. (Which, if you ask me, is one treasure that should have remained buried.)

That is about all I have to say about the Leno thing. *Sorry for the multitude of Justin pics, but that is all I could find.*

Just Thrust Me