
Ok, now those of you who saw Loveline...are probably still laughing!! I have to tell you first what I EXPECTED out of the show...then will continue with the reviews.

First off, I expected this: Chris to sit there looking bored, because the callers aren't as CRAZY as he expected. Joey identifying with the strange sexual questions, and answering them all the way HE handled them when they occured in his life. Justin getting so horny that he begins stripping right there onstage. JC getting all red faced and embarrassed by the openly sexual manner of the show. Lance answering every question with, "Well, because I am from Mississippi....." (that is if he even heard the question...since he has a tendency to space off.)

Ok, first with the introduction, and them coming out onstage, I had some initial impressions of the boys.

Justy's little dance move. (He is getting excited already...prepare for the clothes to start coming off girls!!) JC's red beret. (I am sorry Val, but you should NOT have let him out of the house with that on!) Chris' weave looked nice (good job Stephanie!!) Then they had to start in with the question of how they got together...LIKE WE DON'T ALREADY KNOW THAT!!! The best part was when Adam Corolla compared them to a sale at a bra store. (Well, I can KINDA see a correlation...haha)

First Question: Forgive boyfriend for oral sex with stripper?

Justy starts out with "Omygod girl, guess what he did". Joey laughed, perhaps recalling a moment in time when someone ratted on him in that fashion?? JC tried to be all intellectual by suggesting that she give the boyfriend the opportunity to explain himself. When Adam said something about the "taste of old Mexico"--the guys all die laughing.

Second Question: Turned off by boyfriend's apple sized testicle.

The camera panned down the line of the guys...and each one didn't fail to make me laugh hysterically. Joey looks awfully happy just sitting there with that goofy grin on his face. (Thinking maybe.."Wow...someone else has that problem too?) Chris sitting there in open mouthed confusion then mouths "yeow". Jc shakes his head in disbelief, and Lancey looks interested...maybe wanting an apple sized testicle of his own?! Justin says.."If you really like the guy, physical THINGS shouldn't have anything to do with it." Then he laughs and says..."THINGS" and does this weird hand motion. LOL it was pretty funny. When Adam Corolla says "Well these guys have handsome scrotums". Jc wants to do that run away laughing thing, but since he is sitting, has to settle for acting like he is having convulsions and trys to hide behind Chris.

Third Question: Wants ex to be sex buddy.

Justin starts out by kinda laughing and was all cool till the end. (Well, at least we know now girls that Justy would never ask his ex to be his sex buddy) Jc tries to be all intellectual and raises his eyebrow. Lance puts in some lovely advice about how "it's only gonna hurt him if you have sex with him." All in all this was a boring question...with even more boring answers from the guys.

Fourth Question: Having sex with married ex.

Justin is biting his thumb...looking as if he is really kinda uncomfortable with the whole Loveline atmosphere. (Justy hon, don't gnaw your thumb off...think of how valuable that is for holding the microphone) Lance asks whether or not the guy owns a gun, after the man on the phone says that she has been hiding their relationship from her husband. One question...What is Chris DOING? He is playing with something on the table. What a strange boy.

Fifth Question: Bothered by boyfriend's butt fetish.

When the girl says, "We were having sex and he stuck his index finger up my BUTT", the camera shows Justin. He is sitting there with his mouth open...looking rather scared and disturbed. JC starts laughing AGAIN, and then it shows Justy again gnawing away on the old thumb.

Sixth Question: Worries stripper girlfriend is a slut.

The only reaction that the boys really had were when Adam Corolla started talking about how embarassing it is for him to watch the show with a girlfriend, and then say something on the air about how an old girlfriend was the "BEST SEX HE EVER HAD". Justin and Joey look at each other and DIE laughing. One question...WHY?!? Lol

Question Seven: Can't get grandpa out of head during sex.

The only thing that was worth commenting on here was Justin's face of disbelief, and then him biting his thumb for the 100th TIME!!

Question Eight: Afraid of boyfriend's penis.

Again..Justin laughing uncontrollably (falling back on the couch actually) with a strange look on his face.

Question Nine: Acne caused by masterbation?

Justin looks concerned/scared, and then has a smirk on his face. (I would pay about 20 bucks to find out what is going through his head right then. He was probably thinking...Geez, I better stop then, I don't want to ruin my complexion. Then smirks because he remembered that he has being doing it this long and hasn't had any problems..haha) JC just shakes his head. (So Jc, is that supposed to mean that can't get acne from masterbation?? I mean, how would YOU know? Or would you??)

Finale: Getting the book

First off, we all know that the Loveline book is going to be their "toilet reading". haha--j/k. Of course, as soon as Justin gets his book, he holds it up and STICKS OUT HIS TONGUE. What else? It's practically in his contract. "Justin Timberlake MUST stick out his tongue at least once a television appearance."

Well, that's about all folks...but first one other thing--did anyone else notice JUSTINA in the audience. Please...she has become an NSYNC Stalker for God's sake.

Thrust It Baby, YEAH
