Lovely Lovely Lancette's Birthday...Here's Lookin At You Kid!

Lance's birthday...what can I say? I was a little teensy bit disappointed in the fact that they DIDN'T DO A DAMN THING! For god's sake, they would have a huge freakin party if it was ole Justy's birthday...but since it's Lance's...nothing. Well, there WAS something, but not anything good.

Well, we ended up getting my tire replaced, and set out on our way to Moline, IL. Which could have been another country to me, since I had never been there, we were prepared to get lost. We made it to the Mark at like 7:00...and the show started at 7:30. So we were in a sea of baby blue that was closing in on us by the minute.

I finally figured out who the chick with the fro hair from Blaque sounds like. It's Left Eye from TLC. I can just see it like 2 years when Blaque is about as well known as Wilson Phillips is now...that girl screeching, "THE CUT!!" on MTV. Good times, I am telling you...oh wait...not really.

Tatyana came out and shook her thing like there was no tomorrow...her dancer did the international "Suck It" sign AGAIN, then ran behind the curtain. When she mentioned her "big brother" (meaning Will Smith), I decided at that moment that I would pay damn good money to see Will in concert. on with the rest of the show.

N Sync came out and did their thing...blah, blah, blah. (More details later on). Then they did that little intro thing, and JC made us scream "Happy Birthday Lance". Then Lance comes running out...Chris tackles him to the ground. Poor Lance is sitting/laying there in the middle of the stage when large Joey comes running toward him. I can only imagine what thoughts were running through Lance's head when Joey sat on him. He about asphixiated the poor boy on his 20th birthday no less. Good god, when is Joey gonna learn that he can't exactly go sitting on people's heads?!?!

They didn't really do much else exciting that I personally saw...oh wait, yes they did. During For the Girl...Joey was sitting with his face so close to this cheap looking hoochie mama in a black dress and so much hairspray in her blonde hair that she is the one responsible for depleting the ozone layer. I seriously thought that he was going to jump her right then and there. Seriously...he was staring at her like the whole song, and was practically drooling in her cleavage.

The best is when people start getting up and trying to "beat the crowd" when the guys try to make you think it's all over. (After GMHS and before I Want You Back). Too funny...boy I bet those people feel dumb. Personally I think it would be pretty damn funny for EVERYONE to get up and leave...then when poor little Justin comes back out and says..."Are you still with us?!?"....then there is absolute silence, except for like the mom in the second to last row. How funny would THAT be?

Then after Tearing Up My Heart, when the guys strap on the old harnesses (that were either giving Chris a MAJOR wedgie OR smooshing his package considerably. Cuz he looked SERIOUSLY uncomfortable!) and go soaring above the crowd, Justin thought it would be a good plan to shove his ass into the balcony people's faces...for like 10 minutes. It was pretty funny. I got a pic of it, and it was one of the few that turned out. (By the way, if ANYONE that went to that concert and had decent seats would like to give me doubles...I will be willing to pay for them...or trade something...just email me at, K?)

More of a review coming later kids...promise. *Thank you to Hide N Sync for these pics.. we appreciate it! :) *

Thrust It To Me