Rosie...In Orlando

Alright, this was N Sync's 2nd appearance on Rosie. I personally liked the first one a lot better, although it was a toss up between what was scarier. Chris' aunt in the first show? Or Joey's hair in the second show? I don't's hard to say.

Chris sounded FLAT...and HORRIBLE!! Ugh. Also, he needs to CUT his hair, and pluck his eyebrows. I couldn't tell if he had one or two. But he at least looked fairly clean cut, and matched pretty well in his sweatervest. (Although, it doesn't really go with the DREDS!)

Justin, Justin...what am I going to do with you? I must say that I liked the hair cut...BUT if you keep messing with the COLOR..I might have to kill you. I really hope that he knows that his hair is going to all fall out by the time he is ancient like Chris. I think he is trying to look like Ryan Phillippe by copying his hairdo. But why didn't he keep the red?!?! I loved that color on him!

Lance had a hair situation was a little messed up and combed weird. Instead of the normal sticking straight up, I just shoved a fork I was holding into a light socket look, it was sorta pushed over to one side. Kinda like a big Orlando wind came by and messed it up. Lol. He was sick though...poor, poor Lancey. Although I must say (and you all know this is SO hard for me), that Lance has really good legs. I don't normally look at legs, but he is like the only one that wears shorts. Plus most guys have skinny weird legs, but his are good. (Nevermind, I have NO idea what I am talking about, this has nothing to do with on with the review. Lance has been sidetracking me lately...I don't know why! HELP ME!)

JC...spazzing out as always during the song. Figures. I am seriously shocked that he hasn't taken anyone out with those dangerous things. But he looked pretty good I guess.

Joey...HAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...ok...sorry I just had to get that out. What happened to his hair? It is ORANGE. HaHaHaHahAHaHAHAHA. Sorry...I just can't continue talking about Joey without laughing. Lol.

Onto the interview itself. Not much really said, cuz the interview was pretty short as always. First off Rosie wants to know what there is to "DO" in Orlando. Justin says, "Joey". Now...I know what he meant...he meant, "You tell us Joey". But worded in the way he did, it sounds like he is answering the question "what is there to DO in Orlando" with "Joey". Meaning...Joey is all there is to DO in Orlando. LOL!!! I thought it was comical. Maybe you people won't. Anyways...then they go on and on about some stupid hot wing things.

Then they talk about Chris' dog Busta pooping on Justin's bed. Haha. Supposedly, Justin got on the bus one day and smelled something funny...and without hesitating, blamed Chris for the nasty funk. J/k...he looked in his bed and noticed that Busta had left him a BEAUTIFUL new gift. Then the next week it happened AGAIN. I guess Busta can't resist giving Justin a little shit cuz he's the youngest. LOL!

Finally we come to the subject of Joey's hair. Hahahaha. First he BLEACHED it...then he dyed it red, and it turned orange. Can you say OVERPROCESSING?! And he looked CONFUSED that it turned orangish. Um...hello?!? If you put yellow/white hair with red, it might turn out a little ORANGE I suppose. him and Chris share a brain or something? My god.

After the show was almost over, they sang TUMH. I liked the new little dance sequence they put in there...very cute. FINALLY they decided to spice up that TIRED song and dance that everyone and their dog has seen 1000 times.

Thrust It Baby!