Hey everybody. I know you all saw *N Sync on TGIF. I must say that they all looked really hot. (With the exception of Chris' hair. Stephanie was a little upset that he decided to cut his hair. LOL)

We will start with Sabrina:

First off, JC has my jacket on!!! (Just thought I would share it with you all!), Joey actually looked good. (I think that all-jello diet is working Beth!!) I was a little upset that Justin was wearing a turtleneck (those are a fashion NO, how many times do I have to tell him??) When they were sitting on Sabrina's bed and then started singing and dancing with everyone, I thought I was gonna choke on my pizza. HELLO!!! Who's idea was it for Lancey to dance/sing with the TALKING CAT?!? Also, I must say that it was very rude of JC, Chris, and Joey to cheat on Val, Stephanie, and Beth with Sabrina and her ancient aunts. (j/k) =) Then there is Justin, just grooving on the bed, doing the "Carlton" of all things. Lol. It was a classic moment in TV history. I am glad I taped it!

During the commercials:

I love when Justin says, "We're tired, but we're here anyways." (Too much partying last night boys?!) JC was especially nice to give us a tour of the trailer. (Oh yeah, I am REALLY jealous of tv stars now!)

The most CLASSIC moment was when Lancey finally admitted his love for Topanga on national television. "My favorite show on TGIF is Boy Meets World, and my favorite actress is Topanga." Why, Lancey, must you feel the need to use her television character's name?? Or does she like it when you call her Topanga?!? Lol. And of course, Justy has to chime in and be all, "Me TOO!" (Just so you all know..I was NOT happy with him for saying that...j/k) =)

Justy slamming the door on JC was pretty good. Also him SCREECHING, "I ain't got nobody to dance with!" (Nice grammar usage Justy. Look on the bright side, you COULD be dancing with the TALKING CAT!) Also, who the hell cares what Lance's favorite word is?? Whatchamacallit?!? Lancey sure shocked the hell out of me! My guess would have been Topanga or Toby...lol. =) Then they HAD to ask Justy what his favorite word was. Like the universe doesn't already know that it's CRUNK. And, being Justin, he has to go into this whole big thing, "It's crunk. Crunk, baby, crunk. It means crazy or party, have a good time. Gotta get your party goin' --gotta get it crunk." I am just waiting for him to slip one day and say his favorite word is actually CRACK or CRANK. (You know that is how he came up with the word crunk don't you?? It's all a coverup!!) **(By the way--I AM KIDDING!! Justy is not on CRACK or CRANK...nor do we think that he is..it's a joke people!!)** =)

The funniest was when Justin said to Sabrina..."you're short." So she said, "yeah, well you're young. So back off boy!" And then she actually PUSHED him. It didn't show much after that, but one of two things happened.

1. Being pushed on national TV, by a girl no less, bruised Justy's ego and he started crying. No one could console him. JC told him to sleep away his problems, Joey suggested a bowl of Jello, Chris decided that Justin should start a CRAZY hobby to take his mind off it, and Lancey encouraged Justy to get a makeover at Clinique to relieve his stress. But NOTHING helped, so he did the next best thing. He called his mommy and had her kick Sabrina's big ole butt.

2. He really got a little bit pissed, and as soon as the cameras went off, he started beating on Sabrina "Chadwick Style" (aka Rock-n-Jock fight). Soon the whole cast, and *N SYNC were in an all out brawl. JC ran away from the huddled mass after joining in, saying, "I hit her, haha, I hit her!!" Joey jumped on Harvey's back, ala Carson Daly. Chris jumped in flinging his weave around, attempting to put out an eye, or take out the cat...whichever came first. Lancey was a little apprehensive about joining in, because although makeup does wonderful things, you can only hide a black eye so well.

Those were the two things that I personally think could've happened. Either way, Sabrina needs to learn not to mess with Justy. Lol. =)

Just Thrust Me