Bad Girls, Bad Girls...Whatcha gonna do...

Ahh, the things I go thru for these boys. Glares from teenies, embarassing myself by asking a hot guy working security that goes to school with me if there is ANY way he could move me up closer, about passing out cuz I thought I saw Bitchney, and getting a FLAT tire. Some days...I tell ya. So yeah, I suppose I should get on with the story huh? Here goes...

Alright, first off, you all know about Rachel's shirt idea, right? If not...go HERE to read all about it. If you DO know about it, you will know that we were expecting a mass beatdown from teenies. It didn't happen. The only real reaction we got was some girl who gave her a nasty look. Most people actually appreciated her shirt.

Second of all, when we got there, we were being totally obnoxious, mostly trying to piss off the teenyboppers. So we drive into the parking lot and we see an ENORMOUS line of teenyboppers. So my sister being the smart one that she is yells..."I love the Backstreet Boys!!!" Then, we get out and I see my friend Amanda waiting to get in. She is waving and yelling, "Jen...Jen!" So I turn to her and yell as loud as I can (and I was a cheerleader in high school I can yell pretty loud) "Backstreet Boys!! WOOOOOOO!" Amanda and Kate start laughing, but I get glares from everyone else. Oh well. Then we thought it would be fun to inertwine all the names of boybands, acting like we didn't know which one was which, and which concert we were even attending. I was all, "Ohmygod, I have been like SOOO excited ever since I got these Backstreet Boys tickets for Christmas. I just love Abs. That song, Because of just makes me cry." It was too funny...pissed off twelve year olds in outfits that were WAYYYY to promiscuous for them (Hoping to catch JOEY'S eye I see. Lol.) STARING at that is my idea of a good time kids. Haha.

Anyhow, we get to our seats, which really WEREN'T bad, but I knew like 2 of the security people that were in our section. One being a really hot guy that I knew his name, but I don't think he knew mine (But he said he recognized me, so I was happy). Whoops. BUT I asked him anyhow if there was any way he could move us up...and he said that he would if he could, but they were being really really strict about it. Shit..I have these connections that aren't getting me ANYWHERE near N Sync. What is UP with that?!?! Good god people...I KNEW this was a bad day when I received my grades in the mail. (Another story...that you DON'T want to me)

So yeah...I am thinking about buying a glowstick so I can whip it at Justin's head, when the bunny guy comes out and tells us the "no-no's". He said, "No throwing things and no LASER POINTERS...blah blah blah, or you will be listening to the show from outside." Well there goes my idea to shine a laser pointer on Justin's CROTCH everytime he set foot on stage. Boy does THAT suck. Sheesh.

Also, I about fainted from heart failure cuz I see a girl that looks JUST like Bitchney. She had the whole schoolgirl slut look down too. How lovely. I think her tan was orange...meaning it was as fake as Bitchney's. The only thing she was missing was the new implants!! (A big must if you are gonna be a Bitchney impersonator!) You should have seen some of the slutty outfits people were god. I thought it was Joey's porno girl convention there in the third row.

Basically the concert consisted of Justy thrusting a LITTLE too much...I think he knocked some girl out in the 2nd row with one of those. (He was standing on the stairs at the time too...imagine that. Lol.) JC was usual...and about took out Lance like 4 times. Chris looked like an alien, but that is normal for him I suppose. Lance actually has been taking extra dance lessons...cuz he was doing fairly well. And then we have Joey, who never fails to disappoint me. Truthfully he grabbed himself and shoved his ass in my direction (during Sailing) ONE too many times. Otherwise it was decent...and I will have more up about the actual show later.

THEN, to top off my LOVELY evening, I go outside and have a FLAT tire. Nice...just what I need. You will never guess who helped me out though!! (More about that coming SOON!) So my car is still sitting in the Vet's parking lot, and I am SUPPOSED to be driving it to Moline, IL tomorrow afternoon. We will just see about that. Lol.

So end this beautiful week, my friends and I are having a Drink to N Sync night on Friday. Basically just consisting of drinking in N Sync tshirts...and laughing at them. How fun can that be?!?! You may never know. Lol. *THANK YOU to Hide N Sync for these pics... :) We appreciate it!*

Thrust Me Outta HERE!