Backstreet Boys! Woo-hoo!!!!!!!!

Oh, geez! So many hilarious little time! Let's just say the concert was.....a little....funny?! Yeah, funny..that's it!

Here is the d-l....Alrighty--First off, I am waiting with my friends, whom I rode down with, for Jen at McDonalds. We are singing "Backstreet's Back" loudly, and directing it at these girls in babyblue Fubu. Then we are ordering, and my friend Heather goes..."I can't wait for the BSB concert tonight." The dude at the counter goes..."Oh, you guys are going to the concert tonight?" We are like.."Oh definately!" Heather goes..."Yeah, I think it is in like Florida or something, we don't really know where we are going though!" The retarded guy goes..."You don't know where Vets (the stadium) is?" and I go..."Oh, we know where we're going. I just love Howie!" Then we just started dying!! The stupid nerd guy, was totally like believing that the concert was BSB...and he was like..."Oh, have a good time!" I was all like..."Oh, I will!!"

So anyways...Jen comes and we eat, and then drive to Vets. We are waiting in the friggin traffic jam, and I am yelling out the window..."Backstreet Boys!" really loud like, and quick, and then I would pretend I didn't say it! People just looked at me, and stared--thinking-what a freak!--but that's okay by me!! Then we hear a girl live at Vets being interviewed on the radio, so we break out Jen's cell phone and try to call the other station, and be all.."I am on my way to the BSB concert right now. I just love J. His long hair drives me nuts. And that tatoo on his arm that says 98* is just sooo sexy!" But we couldn't get through!!!! I was soo looking forward to it! we park and are going towards the friggin huge line that stretches half way around the friggin block! We spot Jen's 2 friends from Simpson and go budge with them in the front! I see Erin Moody from News Channel 8. She is interviewing some 5 year-old...pry saying like "this is N SYNC's oldest fan-blah-blah-blah!" and I scream.." ERIN I LOVE YOU!!!!" and she does an Exorcist swivel and looks right at me! I just wave and laugh..and she goes back to interviewing the newborn! lol

We get inside and I get some looks and laughs on my shirt. It was funny! We go up to our seats, and then Jen sees this dude she knows from Simpson. Like 5 minutes later, when Blaque is on, I dare her to go ask him to move us up. She does, but he can't. During Tatyana, she spots another dude she knows. She dares me to go up and ask him. So after much chickening out, I finally go up and ask, and he tells me no too. Damn! We should have asked some other dude, 3rd times the charm you know!

OH--one highlight of Tatyana's dancers did the "suck it" sign, and then went behind the curtain. I have never laughed so did laugh pretty hard at Justy!! I look up by the band during one of the songs, and he is grinding, by himself, might I add, and grabbing his crotch at the same time!! THAT made me laugh PRETTY hard!!!!

Anyways, I laughed at Joey's thrusting during "Sailing" and all of them at their own stupid moments. The show gets over and we go down, to find Amanda & Kate (Jen's friends)..and I am looking for Heather's mom. I stand up on a chair by the t-shirt stand, and I see these girls from my class. I am complaining to them that there were no green glow sticks, and I was all "you like my shirt?" and she goes "OMG..where did you get that?" and I'm all "I made it!" And then WHOLE crowd buying overpriced crap, turns and looks at it! I just laughed!

We go outside, and are pulling away when Jen runs over and says she has a flat. You will never guess who she got to help her out!! (More about that coming's a funny funny story!) Since Jen was getting a piece of the action, we left. We stop in Story City, at a Kum & Go to get gas, and my friend Heather get our pics taken in front of a Happy Chef at like 1:30 A.M. Long story, sorry!!

We keep driving on the interstate and miss the exit. We end up going 40 miles North, out of our way totally!! It is like 2 by this time, and we try to find our way home, but it takes forever. I got home at like 2:45. I had to get up at like 7..when I didn't go to sleep til like 3:30. It sucked this morning, but that is okay!! I am still awake, but tomorrow will be hell!!

All in all, it was a good show. The funny things that we did, were more fun...but I had a good time. I can't wait to hear about Moline's show from Jen. Should be fun!!!~~Rachel

*Thanks to Hide N Sync for the use of some of their concert pics. We appreciate it! :) *

Thrust Me