It's the Ambiguously Gay Duo! We're ambiguously gay!!
- Justin: Hi, JC! What are you watching?
- JC: Oh, I'm just watching my tape of VH1's Behind the Music: The Village People again.
- Justin: Ooooh, classic! I was always partial to the policeman.
- JC: Why is that?
- Justin: I dunno, I guess just the way he can stop traffic. And those handcuffs! The stories they could tell...
- JC: Yeah, I see your point. I know how you love having power. Just think about it, they get to say "Up against the wall and spread 'em" whenever they want! I just love all the job perks!!!
They move to the kitchen and continue their conversation, as the song Macho Man drifts through the door.
- Justin: So, who was your favorite?
- JC: Well...I guess it's a tie between the construction worker and the Indian.
- Justin: Why is that?
- JC: The construction worker because he works with his hands and gets to go as deep as needed. And they can take as many breaks as they want, just to eye the good-looking males...uh...females I mean.
- Justin: Oh, I know. I always wanted to get paid for using my hands in public, but indecent exposure is illegal these days. But why the Indian?
- JC: I dunno. Something about a buckskin loin cloth,just makes me wanna do a war dance!
They go turn off the VCR and head down the hallway.
- JC: Oh, and the peacepipe, sounds like a great bonding time to me!
- Justin: Oh, yeah! There's nothing like good clean fun...and a little incense! So, do you wanna play a game?
- JC: It depends, what game?
- Justin: Just a little game of cops and robbers. I'm the cop!
- JC: Sure! I'm the robber!! I'll get the blindfold and gun, you get the handcuffs and siren, and meet me in the bedroom...ummm...livingroom, yeah, livingroom. (wink, wink!)
- Justin: Aye-aye! WILL DO, sir!
- **Are they gay? *Find out more next week!