Chris' Voice Mail

"Hello, this is Chris. It's Bingo night at the VFW...when I am done with my new CRAZY hobby, and Justin finally picks me up, I'll call you back. If I can remember your number that is...I can never find those damn pens to write them down. If I remember correctly, that is the Alzheimer's setting in."

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Old Messages:

Message One: "Chris...this is Justin. Remember me? I'm the tall one with the bleached blond know....SIDEBURNS! Remember me?! I wanted to remind ya to say what the dilli yo! to my gramps at the VFW. Don't forget now! I'll pick you up from Bingo at 8:15, and we can fill your Viagra prescription on our way home. Oh yeah...just a reminder, don't forget to change your Depends before I come to get you!"

Message Two: "Hello...this is Lance. I just wanted to wish you luck at Bingo tonight. I wanted to remind you that I will be sure to tape that Bruce Lee movie on TV, since you will be in bed at 9:00. Don't forget to take your Viagra! Don't worry about calling me back...I know it's hard for you to remember my number."

Message Three: "Hey, this is JC. I have a question. Even though I get a ton of sleep, I sure don't have any energy down there...if you know what I mean. So...could I borrow some of your Viagra? Just don't accidentally give me your Ex-Lax like last time. I was up all night, and didn't get a wink of sleep. Man those things really take their toll, if you know what I mean. Call me when you get a chance."

Message Four: "Hey this is JOEY!! JOEY FATONE! Good luck with the old ladies at Bingo, if you know what I mean. I hope you score tonight, and not just in Bingo--if youknowwhatimsayin'! Don't forget to take your Viagra. Watch out for Ethel, when she accidentally drops her bingo chips in your lap. You know what she's after...haha, don't ya? Well, if you can't remember, uh, ask Justin. Talk to you later. My number is #4 on your speed dial. That would be the large button with the #4 on it. Between the 3 and the 5! Got it? me!"

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