*N SYNC : 'N Concert

The concert was held at the Civic Center in downtown Des Moines, IA. I went to the concert with my sister Rachel (who shares this website with me), some of her friends, and some girls I went to school with. We got to the Civic Center at about six o'clock. We were allowed into the auditorium at about 6:45. We found our seats...we were so close! I couldn't believe it. We were in row C, and *N SYNC was going to be approximately 18 feet away from us. Our seats were in the middle, but a little to the right side. The opening acts sucked, so I will spare you details. After Spears' performance, the house lights came on for about 10 or 15 minutes.

Finally, at 8:15 or so, the house lights went off, and the guy announced..."Presenting Sony Recording Artists....*N SYNC!" The crowd went crazy, and everyone stood up. The black tarp that was up for Britney had these different colored *N SYNC flames being projected across it. Then it got pulled up, and there was a starry background, and everything white glowed because of the black lights. Then this weird Star Wars music started playing, and five guys walked onstage. They were wearing these black shrouds. They stopped in the middle of the stage, and dropped the robes. They were wearing white spacesuits with helmets. They began dancing to the music, and I couldn't tell which guy was which. Then, the music stopped, and the drums went BOOM (or something like that), and they moved like robots...once for each beat of the drums. After they did that, they were all in a row...and they turned and took off their helmets, and held them at their sides. This blinding light came on behind the drummer, and went off after about a minute or so. The guys grabbed their microphones off the stands, and placed the helmets on the stands. They ripped off their spacesuits to reveal these Chinese pajama things. (They were kinda weird, and not one of my FAVORITE outfits, but they were all so cute, it didn't really matter). Justin was wearing baby blue (what else?!), JC was in royal blue, Lance was wearing green, Joey wore red, and Chris was in a purplish/plum colored one. They started singing the song "Crazy for You". Let me tell you....the pelvic thrusts were a flyin' during this song. (Practically the highlight of the evening!) Joey was kinda dancing with one of the guitarists...it was pretty funny. They did that really cool Jackson 5 part like in the Disney Concert that goes..."I wanna rock with you....all night...etc."

The next song they did was "I Just Wanna Be With You". I love the dance to that one...and it was almost exactly the same as the one in the Disney Special. After that song, they all went offstage and came on one by one to introduce themselves and stuff. Joey came on first, and he just said stuff like "I hope you guys have fun tonight", and "we'll be back in Des Moines around May, so we hope to see you all there". Then Chris came out, and I don't remember what he said, but when he walked out, he was singing this really high note...it was really good though. Justin was the next to come out. He walked out singing, and then said, "Hello, IOWA...do you feel like getting FUNKY tonight?" "Cause, I feel like getting.......FUNKY." He said it all suave and stuff. It was pretty cute I guess. JC came out and he was saying how Justin's favorite musical "The Music Man" is based in Iowa, and thanks for some great music (I have never seen that musical, so I don't know if the music is good or not...), and of course he said.."let's have a good time tonight ya'll". As soon as JC turned and went up the stairs, Justin looked at him and blew him a kiss. JC acted like "oh my god, he just blew me a kiss..ahhhh!" Then Justin started laughing so hard, he had to lean up against the railing. It was hilarious.Lance was next, but I don't remember what he said. They were all standing on these stairs that they had set up. There was a set of stairs on each side with a platform/landing in between. (I will give you three guesses who was on the platform.....JUSTIN!) They sang their BeeGee's medley, but the only song I was familiar with was Stayin' Alive. It was so funny, because all eight of us started doing the Saturday Night Fever disco dance, and the guys looked at us...laughed, and then started doing it. (I know it sounds really cheesy, but you could tell they were looking in our direction, and there were little kids in front of us...who were just standing there. Also, you could tell when they were looking PAST you.)

So anyways, after they finished that song, Lance stepped down and said, "Everyone knows someone a little bit special...that God must have spent a little more time on. Whether it is a boyfriend, a girlfriend, a husband, or a wife.....well, tonight, we dedicate this song to you, Iowa, because God must have spent a little more time on you. But first, we need a little atmosphere (voice lowers), don't you think? We need to set the mood (voice lowers)...like this. Then he snapped his fingers, and all the lights went out except the starry background. Then they began singing "GMHSALMTOY". During the chorus, all eight of us were doing the motions. At the part.."your soul is like a secret that I never could keep"...Justin was directly across from us. He looked at all of us, and nodded..and then smiled. It was so adorable.

Then the guys ran offstage to change clothes. During that time, the band played the song "All about the Benjamins". Justin came running out from the left side of the stage, over to the right side. He stood there for a minute, and wiped the sweat off of his forehead. He looked damn good in his UNC (baby blue) shirt, with a wifebeater underneath (what else?!), Tommy jeans, and Nike armband under his right elbow. He kept teasing the audience. He would lift up the side of his shirt, and wiggle his hips, then did it on the other side, and finally would do a little pelvic thrust. It was funny, because the crowd would just go crazy. Then he licked his lips, and wiped the corners of his mouth...trying to be all seductive and stuff. He lifted the microphone up to his mouth, and sucked in a bunch of air...it made this really cool sound. After that, he immediately started doing his beatbox thing. When he finished, the drummer copied him. That continued for awhile, but was cool. The drummer is really awesome, and Justin's beatbox was pretty cool too.

All of the other guys came out after that, but I don't remember if they said anything. JC was wearing a white tshirt with a navy sweater vest over it, and a navy golf hat. Lance was wearing a greenish button down shirt with a white tshirt underneath. (He took the green shirt off later on, which he shouldn't have done...because he ended up looking like the Fonz or something in his white tshirt and dark jeans.) Chris was wearing a black football jersey with the #80 on it in red. Joey wore a black Superman shirt with a yellow and white Superman logo. Over that, he had a denim shirt with Superman written on the back. They all were wearing the same jeans...with Tommy down the zipper flap, and the *N SYNC flame across the butt pockets. They were pretty cool actually.

(Ok, I don't really remember the EXACT order of the songs they did...if you have ever been to an *N SYNC concert...you will understand. I was a LITTLE too excited to be worrying about the order of the songs!) Okay, so they did a medley of some songs, like "Gettin' Jiggy Wit It", "Gone 'Til November", and "Can I Get A..." by Jay-Z. It was really cool. Then all the other guys ran offstage, and Justin started singing, "I just wanna take it nice and ........SLOW!" It was cute how he stretched it out like that.

*N Sync *N Concert Continued....