*N Sync *N Concert...Continued

After that, Justin ran offstage, and Chris came on. He started talking about how we all know someone who drives us crazy. He asked.."Does JC make you crazy?"...the crowd went nuts..."Does Lance (voice deepened) make you crazy?"....everyone started screaming..."Does Joey make you crazy?"....everyone was screaming again..."I suppose if I really wanted to hear you scream, I would ask if Justin drives you crazy"...the crowd went absolutely CRAZY! "But I know that deep down inside...I make you crazy." The crowd started screaming again. The rest of the guys came out onstage, and sat down on the stools in front of the drums. The song "I Drive Myself Crazy" began, and the platform the stools were on moved forward. When the song was over, the platform moved back. It was cool.

Then they did "I Want You Back", and let me tell you, I was not disappointed. It was the same as their Disney Concert though. After we sang the part that Justin's voice always cracks on...he smiled, and gave the thumbs up sign, and said, "Very Good".

"Giddy Up"...I have a new found appreciation for that song.."Just Ride It!" HELLO!!! The only complaint I have with that song, had to do with JC. I don't know what that boy was thinking when he picked out his sunglasses. They were these huge 1985 sunglasses that looked like the ones my old bus driver wore. They were horrible...and I thought JC had style.

Anyways, they did "You Got It". The group pelvic thrust was amazing, and the dance was very high energy. It was pretty cool. During that song, Justin and Joey were bumping hips, like in the Disney Concert. Every other time, Joey would turn his butt to the audience, and the second time he did that, Justin moved back. So when Joey went to bump him, he like almost fell. Then Justin started dying laughing. It was pretty funny.

All the guys ran offstage again, and came back out in Tommy coats. Justin, Chris, and Joey had pullover ones, and JC and Lance's had zippers down the front. Joey wore a red one, Chris wore yellow, Justin had on navy, Lance's was green, and JC's was navy blue. They got out their squirt guns, and were spraying people. Joey had this little one, that hardly even worked. They did that "If ya'll wanna party like we do..." thing. It was pretty cool. Then they sang "Here We Go". The dance was the same as in the Disney Concert, and they split the audience halfway through the song. Justin and Joey were on the other side. They got to practice first..."Yes, yes, yes, here we go.." The audience wasn't extremely loud, so Justin flashed them his wifebeater, and then start laughing when everyone screamed. During the time they were practicing, JC was giving them the thumbs down, and shaking his head. Then it was our turn. We had JC and Lance, Chris also helped a little. We practiced "*N SYNC has got the flow..." and JC was really getting into it. He makes you wanna scream as loud as you can. Justin just sat down on the other side , and tried to look bored. Joey came over to our side, and tried to make us wave our hands in the air. JC wouldn't let us though. It was funny. Our side was way louder than the other side. Then we did the motions to it, and they continued the song. It was pretty cool.

All the other guys ran offstage, except JC. He started talking about how the only thing money can't buy is love, and how they were gonna sing a love song. Then he said "this is for all you lovely ladies out there." The others came out, and they started singing "For The Girl Who Has Everything". They were dancing with chairs, and oh my god, I think everyone in that auditorium wanted to be one of those chairs right then. You can about imagine...if not...nevermind.

After that song ended, they all ran offstage, and the lights went out. The crowd started chanting *N SYNC, *N SYNC...until the lights came on and they all came running down the stairs. Justin ran down first, and said, "I'm tired of this"..then took off his coat, and threw it off to the side of the stage. Woo hoo!! Hello wifebeater!!! Then they all sang "Tearin' Up My Heart". It was cool.

They all said their thank yous after that song ended. Joey went first, but he just said, "hope you had a good time, see you in May". I don't really remember what the others said. I was too busy screaming my head off. Then they all went up to the platform of the stairs and held hands. Joey said "WE ARE *N SYNC!", then they bowed. After that, they all took off running down the stairs and started racing around onstage. JC threw his coat off, and had a white Tommy tshirt on. They ran around for a few minutes, and then went offstage. Justin was the only one left...and he stood at the front of the stage...and lifted his arms up. The crowd went crazy, then Joey came back on. He picked up Justin by his legs, and then started running offstage with him. He put him down, they both started laughing, and then ran off. It was funny. That was the end of our concert experience!

Thrust It