The Second Fanatic...and the Nightmare Continues...

Looks as though the boys had to go out and sip some tropical *ahem..alcoholic* drinks before this fanatic. Just in case the new one was as psycho as the one before!

First off...these girls were like 20 years old. (Not that there is anything wrong with being a 20 year old N Sync fan...hell, the guys are all about that age. With the exception of Justin and Chris. Chris is almost 30 while Justin is barely legal.) Anyhow, the point that I am trying to make this CENTURY is: if you are acting like a teenybopper when you are 20 something...THEN YOU HAVE GOT PROBLEMS!! that I got that out of the way...moving right along..

Next...the way that they "surprise" the winner. First of annoyed me the way she burst into class screaming something along the lines of, "OHMYGOD, we get to meet NSYNC!!" (Oh, please...could you annoy me anymore with your valley girl voice?!?) These girls are COLLEGE STUDENTS. a college student myself, who has had to virtually hide the fact that I like N Sync at all, find it hard to fathom how she can react the way she did. Many of my friends watched Fanatic with me (after I forced them too), and they all felt the same way. If you like a so called "teenybopper band", it is a little embarassing. If you get told that you are going to MEET a teenybopper band in the middle of class by video cameras and your screaming best is a LOT embarassing. Get the picture? That's what I thought. Continuing...

First off, these girls started annoying me from the very minute they started yapping about why they like JC and Justin the best, why GMHS is "their" song, na na na na nah. Then they go on and on the next day about how they are going to Pepe's Pizza, cuz it's Joey's FAVORITE!! (Now, I have heard from an inside source *thanks Colleen*, that Modern's and Sally's are much better. You think being Italian and all, Joey would know this, but I guess not.) And of course...they said 300 friggin times that they aren't gonna get mushrooms, "Cuz Lance hates em!". Don't forget that they said it in it could get any MORE annoying.

Now for the interview...of course consisting of several repetitive and uncreative questions that any normal N Sync fan would know. (You would think they would get inventive, since they changed their eating habits around N Sync's. I thought perhaps they would come up with something that an average fan wouldn't normally ask. Oh..wait...I forgot that they have the mental capacity of a 3 year old..."cuz Lance hates em!!" --sorry, just had to put that in there!)There were a couple that caught my eye...

They asked "If you could be any fairy tale character, who would you be and why?" Of course, Justin...being the ghetto superstar that he is, didn't fail to disappoint me. He replied in a deep voice, "Yo, I would be Cinderella...(laughs), I'm just playin'!" All I have to say is GHETTO FABULOUS!! That is my boy! Lol. Then Joey saved it by saying Peter Pan. The rest of the boys feverishly agreed. Actually I think they just said that to make fun of Lance...we all know he likes the tights.

When the girls ask what their favorite books are, Justin makes a fool of himself by saying, "I don't know how to read". Very cute Justy...but don't make yourself look bad just so Joey seems smarter!! What are you thinking?? Then Lance says..."The Outsiders". Ok, when he said that I about spit out my soda. All I could think was PONY BOY!! You have to admit, Lance really set himself up for that one.

Then they ask JC something...pry some stupid ass question. It must have been cuz I don't even remember what it was. BUT, I do remember sorta what JC said, although I could barely understand him. He tried to be all ghetto fabulous like Justin, but it didn't quite work. He goes, "Some crazy things been goin on up in here". All I have to say to JC is...STOP IT...YOU ARE SCARING THE SMALL CHILDREN THAT STAYED UP TO WATCH THIS!! For the love of God...someone stop that boy!

Ok...that is enough for poor brain is fried. Finals just ended, but I might add more later...if you are lucky. Lol.

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