*N SYNC: Got Style?!?

As you all know, recently our boys have had some serious problems with their clothing! I don't know who their wardrobe consultant is...but her mental stability might need to be evaluated. At times, the guys look absolutely great, but it seems as though the wardrobe lady has recently got a little out of hand. (You all know what I mean!) Here is some photo evidence of our boys in their moments of glory...and sadly, shame. Check it out!

Very nice...I see a theme starting here. Black works nicely on you boys...stick with it!

NOOOOOOO! JC is the only one that looks decent here. Justin looks like he is joining the NASA space program and Chris looks like an eskimo on crack. Joey doesn't look half bad I guess, and Lance has disappeared from the picture!

This isn't bad...all the guys in khakis, and sweaters. Very nice boys, I like it!!

STOP THE INSANITY!!! Joey, a piece of advice...plaid and leopard don't mix. Chris--nice hat hon, BURN IT! Lance--not half bad, but I've seen better. JC--same for you. Justin--are you going for that PIMP look, cuz that's what you got! I am sorry boys...but you need to find that wardrobe lady and have Joey sit on her!!

Performance fleece...ooh it's fine!

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