All I Have To Give....wait!'s You Got It..I want It!! Lol...I am so Confused.

All right...I am so lost...N Sync..BSB...they are all the same to me. (J/k! This is for HUMOR'S sake people!!)

So HERE WE GO....if you want to get your tire fixed...get yourself a BAD boy. Um...wait...oh forget it! Lol.

So we are standing there, and I am like "Shit!! My tire is completely flat. Now what the hell am I gonna do?" So I run over to Rachel and ask her what we should do...since I HAVE to fix it in order to get back to school. Then...she gets a brainstorm. We are right by the buses...and since we were smarter than smart and left before the concert was ACTUALLY over, we looked over and saw the boys making a fast getaway. (Well hey...when you are at an N Sync concert and you THINK you are at a BSB are a little disappointed...therefore leave early.)

ANYWAYS...Rachel has a brainstorm. She is a quick thinker you know! Lol. So she says..." is our chance!" We see Joey at the front by the driver. He likes she figures if we flash him, we might have a chance in getting them to help us out. Rachel figures that since we will most likely never see them again, (since we are in love with AJ and Howie ya know...hahaha) that it doesn't matter.

So we step in front of the path the bus is taking and flash away. We see Joey gesture we are hoping that they stop. THEY DO!!! I was dying laughing so hard, I thought I was going to pee my pants. So anyways, the guys bound off the bus and run over to us. We figured that they were in a hurry because they didn't want to get mobbed by fans that would soon be pouring out of the venue.

I turned on the charm...trying to coax them into fixing my tire. Rachel was fighting off Joey and trying to get to JC. She finally succeeded. I guess when she screamed at Joey, "No you sex crazed pimp daddy, I will NOT make out with you!", it kinda turned him off. Lol. We put the 5 guys to work, although we talked to Justin and Jc the majority of the time. So that leaves the three morons to try and change the tire. It was taking FOREVER, and they could barely get the jack off...oops I mean UP!!!

So finally after what seemed like forever...they gave up. They couldn't get it fixed...which is understandable considering JOEY was in charge of the project. So yeah, I thanked the three who TRIED to do most the work then thinking it would be fun...and since I was disappointed that I didn't get to see the BSB..I turned to Justin and said "Thank you for everything NICK." He looked at me and said, "My name is Justin...but you are welcome." At that same time, Rachel was calling JC--you will never guess--HOWIE!!! I don't think they liked us much. ROTFL!!!!! I about died laughing...again. Anyhow, we ended up just calling Janel, she came and got me, Rachel went home and the rest was history.

*By the way, this page was created solely for HUMOR never happened, but I did get a flat tire. So don't email me or im me asking me if it is really true that we flashed N Sync...because we DIDN'T. So yeah...if you REALLY feel the need to email me write it to here:*

Thrust It Baby!