wanna go?!

Here is something that I received on the guestbook the other day. I thought it was soooo lovely. Just thought I would share it with you...and add my comments of course. (which are in italics) =) Anyways...check it out!

This site sucks!! *Although you are entitled to your opinion, it is one that is contrary to popular belief. Everyday we get several emails telling us how great our site is.*

I like humor sites and it's ok and everything but most of the stuff isn't even funny it's just retarded. *I am sorry that you feel that way...we don't think we are hilarious, but we do think that we can hold our own in the comedy department. I am sorry that you feel that we aren't funny.*

I never laughed the most I ever did was snicker at a couple of things. Wait that's not true I did like the Ambigiously Gay duo. But that was about it. *The stuff on this page obviously takes a little bit of a sense of humor to understand it. The Ambiguously Gay Duo is one of the favorites, however there is other humorous stuff as well that people have told us they laughed out loud when reading it.*

Also the part about an Nsyncer streaking down a hotel hallway is stupid, and I've heard it before. *Well, I am sorry if you have "heard it before". Actually I have never heard it anywhere, we got the idea from the owners of our sister site. So, thanks for also insulting them, I am sure they appreciate it.*

My friend told me about your sister site, so I went there and I thought there sister site would be just as funny, but I guess not. I think maybe they should help you out, even if they have less they are way more funny. *I am glad you like our sister site, yes...we think they are funny too. And if you don't appreciate our humor, then do not come back to the's as simple as that.*

Oh and about 5ive, that was just retarded, I've loved 5ive forever and I think it sucks that now people only like them because they were on the Disney concert!! *I am glad that you have the reading skills of a 5 year old. If you could read, you would notice what I wrote about the group 5ive. I have HAD THE CD SINCE AUGUST!!! So, you can't tell me that I just started liking them after seeing the Disney Concert. Sorry to burst your bubble and all, but you just really don't know what you are talking about. So maybe next time you should read more carefully.*

Well anyways, your site was ok I guess, but you need help. *Gee thanks...I am glad that you think we need help. Maybe you are the one that needs help, since you obviously can't read a word I said in the 5ive section. Maybe the humor on this page is too complicated for your tiny brain. Thank you soooo much for stopping and leaving this lovely message. I will be glad to keep your comments in mind the next time I am updating. *ahem...yeah right!* So thanks for the laugh. I enjoyed it thoroughly.*

Thrust It Baby Yeah