The FUNNIEST Hatemails I Have Ever Read!

Here are 2 hatemails I received recently...and just now stopped laughing at them!! I am sure you will get a good laugh as well! As always, my comments are in italics!

The reason Lance does that weird hand thing is because he is a cutie patootie. DUH !! And you best stop calling Poo-Foo "femme" Hes a sexy man with a huge adams apple!!

*HAHAHAHAHAHAH...hold on for a second while I get done laughing. Ok...let's like Lance, yet you call him by a name he hates: Poo-Foo. And him being a "sexy man with a huge adam's apple" just cracks me up!! Lance and sexy do NOT belong in the same hemisphere!! Lol. Seriously though, I just make fun of Lance because it is sooooo easy! I make fun of Justin a lot too, and he is my "favorite". So...they all get equal treatment in the making fun of department.

if u love nsync so much y do u say all that stuff about them if you were a true fan u would not do that !!!!!! there are enough people out there to make fun of nsync they do not need your help

Well, obviously you don't care much about using punctuation or captilization, so I hope that you can understand what I am writing. Haha. Anyhow, I am an N Sync fan, and what exactly makes a "true fan" in your definition? Someone who stalks them? Someone who wears Fubu, baby blue, or superman at a concert? Someone who likes UNC, Apple Jacks, and Jazz because their favorite N Sync man does? In my definition of a true fan, it is someone who truly appreciates their music, no matter if they have girlfriends or are the ugliest things that ever walked the planet. Also, for your information, I make fun of N Sync because I feel that they are just 5 normal guys that have flaws just like everyone else. I make fun of everyone else, so why should they be excluded? I am the type of person who doesn't take life too seriously, and I get the feeling that the guys from N Sync don't either. Plus, making fun of the guys keeps my head out of the clouds. If all the teenyboppers (yourself included) had a sense of humor about the guys, then the guys wouldn't have to worry about getting STALKED now would they? Realizing that they have flaws helps me to realize that they aren't any different from the guys I know...the only thing is that they get paid a hell of a lot more! I hope that answered your question.

Hey, I just wanted to say that Justin doesn't like your site very much. He'd tell you himself, but I don't wanna wake him up, he looks so peaceful. He says that when you make fun of him, it makes him not perform as well in bed, so I think for my sex life's sake, you should stop. Wait--he's up. Here ya go... --Yo, dis be me. Your site is wacked! Why ya gots ta be dissin on me like dat? It'd be funny if ya didn't hit the sensitive spots in ma life. Dat ain't cool. Da thing bout my bedtime story is funny, dat's all, cuz it makes fun of dat slut Britney. I don't likes ta be made fun of, so stop! Peace out, Justin

Oh my god...shoot me now! "Justin" doesn't like my page!! But since he looks so peaceful and all while he is sleeping...I at first thought "SHIT! NOW I DON'T GET TO HEAR WHAT JUSTIN HAS TO SAY!!" Also, I am sooooo sorry if my comments make him not perform as well in bed. Maybe it's not my comments that are giving him that problem. Maybe it is the fact that you are a dillusional little 13 year old teenybopper that wouldn't know what to do with Justin if he dropped his pants right in front of you and had written instructions to go along with it! PUHLEEZE!! And me stopping my comments for your "sex life's sake"?!?! Well dearie, if you think Justin is anywhere near you and your "sex life", then you have more problems than I thought. Oh gets better. Here I am thinking that I won't get to hear what "Justin" really thinks of my page because he is sleeping. (Must have been the WILD sex he just had with Miss Teenybopper America!) But I do get to hear Justin's EBONICS no less!! First of all...if you are gonna impersonate MIGHT want to NOT TYPE IN EBONICS!!! He wouldn't type it out like that even if he DID talk that way! Get a clue people! One question Justin..what are the "sensitive spots"? Perhaps the pirate jokes? The constant ragging on your big ass FRO? Please enlighten me! And I am glad that you like your friend Britney the slut. Too bad she admits to being your "girlfriend", huh? Sorry, I can't stop making fun of someone that just gives me sooo much opportunity to make fun of them! Nice try...

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