I Wonder...

Those boys can be so mysterious sometimes. Here are some things that I wonder about:

Do any of them tan?

Why doesn't Chris have a girlfriend? Actually by his age, most people are already married, so what is wrong with him?

Does Lance have a metal plate in his head?

On the Top 40 Videos, when it shows the bodyguars singing...how is the semi-skinny white guy going to protect them from millions of screaming fans?

What kind of cologne do they wear?

If Lance was a girl, would he look any different?

Does Justin have a flaw?

What is their cure for loneliness? :P

Why the obsession with Superman?

Does JC's little Leo thing on his necklace stimulate hair growth?

How come there are no big scandals?

Why is it, that a freak like Justina gets chosen to represent all fans?

What is JC saving all his money for? Please...use it on dental work!

What was Lance's mother's maiden name? possibly Bass?

Has the sales of Jello gone up, since Joey keeps giving it free advertising?

If a guy in a skirt walked by, would Joey still hit on him?

Is Chris's hair really a weave?

If Toby were still alive, would Lance have ever set eyes on Danielle?

Has JC ever been in speech?

Why does Justin always try to pose all sexy-like in those Bop mags? Like 8 year-olds care!

That's all for now....many, many more to come!!

Awww Thrust IT!!