JC, definitely JC!

Even Carson agrees with me! JC IS the hottest. It is a proven fact. Let's see you have his lips. Those are some nice lips, so luscious and voluptuous! Makes me wanna...well, you know!

Moving on...his cheekbones! Now that is what I like, the very chisled, rough-around -the-edges kind! Like Ben Affleck.

Now to the body, and what a nice body it is!! He has a well-developed upperbody. Sure his arms are a little veiny, and he does have chicken legs, but that's okay.

Also, his teeth are kinda nappy, but he has that sexy, no teeth showing smile mastered!

Oh, yes and don't forget that he has great eyes! They are so pretty. And even if his looks go as he gets older, he still has good morals to fall back on. He seems genuine and sweet, which makes me like him even more.


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