J.C.'s Voice Mail

"Hello...this is J.C. I am probably sleeping right now...cuz' I don't get to do that very often...THANK YOU! I'll call you back when I come out of hibernation."

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Old Messages:

Message One: "J.C., you sleep all day long man! What's up wit dat ya'll?! Ya promised you would come to the studio with me so we could write more solos for ourselves. We also need to work on your pelvic thrusts a little bit...you still look like you are having pregnancy back pain during the "You Got It!" group thrust! So get your ass out of bed and call me yo!"

Message Two: "This is Lance...I have decided that since my voice is SOOO SEXY, that I should get more solos. Maybe you could help me out with some of our choreography, since I dance like I have a cob up my butt. Riding horses does that to you, ya know? So call me when you wake up, and we can hopefully work something out!"

Message Three: "This is Joey...I promise I won't tell anyone about your fantasies. I am so sorry that Eddie is stalking you, if I see him, I will drown him in my pool of Jello. I doubt Carson will make fun of you because he thinks you are OBVIOUSLY the hottest one in the group. I'm so jealous, he didn't even mention me, for God's sake, he even mentioned CHRIS before me. Anyways, give me a call, but make it early. I am going downtown for some action...um I mean satisfaction...um I mean, TIRES WITH MORE TRACTION! Ya know, for Justin's van, I mean BENZ! Don't tell him I called it a van, ok? Thanks...Call me!"

Message Four: "LANCE!!! Is this Lance?! Oh well, HELP ME!! Ethel is hornier than a rhino! I thought for sure my Viagra would've kicked in, but I accidentally got them mixed up with my Ex-Lax. My depends have filled up, and Justin's LATE, again. I don't know where that boy is, but I wish he would get his butt in gear. Well, I guess since you don't have a car, you can't come get me. Hell I don't even remember why the heck I called you. Bye."

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