What's Up Wit Dis Ya'll?!

Airbrush much? Too much...much too much.

Now, you all have seen the new Teen People article. (If you haven't, you don't know what you are missing!) As you all know, the pictures in that article were some of the best *N SYNC has taken in awhile. (With the possible exception of Chris, but he didn't look half bad.)

JC beckoning to us all...Joey smiling that sweet smile of his...Lance looking like he just climbed out of a large vat of sexy (that JC and Justin fell into long, long ago)...and Chris, well, he looked nice in orange.

Then there is Justin. Aaaahhhhh, my personal favorite "boy toy" (I wish!). This picture makes me wonder however, because he really looks like a doll...a PORCELAIN doll! I think they were going for that flawless look, and let me tell you...they achieved it! I half expected the caption to say..."Now you too can buy your very own Justin Timberlake doll from the Transcon Shopping Network for only $999.99!". Or something to that effect. (We all know that Transcon would jack up the price...right Catherine?):)

Looks like they did airbrush this...haha. You could go shopping with those bags girls!! Lol. Looks like Justy isn't as "perfect" as he wants everyone to think. Boy Wonder my a**!

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