
Ahhh, Justin Timberlake...the 'dreamiest white boy on the planet'. Grrr...he's boyliscious. Lol. Ok so yeah I just got done watching Armagedd'n Sync for the 150th time, but what can I say? It cracks my ass up like no other. Anyhow, the point of this little page is to express the reasons why I chose Justin as my favorite N Syncer. I know that everyone and their dog loooves Justin, and because I am a leader and not a follower, you would expect me to embrace one of the 'unloved' members such as Chris or Joey. But no, being the sheep that I am, I jumped right on the Justin bandwagon...so sad, I know. Lol.

What can I say about Justin that could possibly justify my reasons for being infatuated with the closest thing to perfection (looks wise)? There's nothing I can say, because no matter what I come up with, there will always be a Lance fan in the wings taunting me about how NICE Lance is compared to Justin. Or there will be a JC fan sitting on the side telling me that THEIR favorite is the epitomy of Christian morals. (Can I get a big fat 'yeah right' for the sexaholic?) Anyhow...I like Justin because of one reason and one reason only. He's hot. Plain and simple. Also it fascinates me as to how he can pelvic thrust that well for being a supposed 'virgin'...which if you ask me is the biggest piece of crap since 'single and ready to mingle'. That boy lays more pipe than the friggin Alaskan Pipe Line, not that I have proof or anything, but I can about imagine. (Hello..think bout it..he's hot, he's young, he's famous. It's practically a given that he gets more boot-ay than he knows what to do with. Sad really, but true.)

So yeah...basically I think he's a hunk of grade A premium BEEF, hot sex on a platter...a sexy bitch if you will. That's about it though, cuz seriously...his attitude sucks, his ego needs to be toned down before it explodes and takes out Joey (which is a big job, but hey...he's got a big ego), and he's one of the worst cases of 'mama's boy'-itis that I have ever seen. But as long as he's so damn good looking, I must remain a loyal Justin fan. (Hey I am a sucker for men with good teeth and one of those huge smiles that he does so well...call me weak, call me soft, but DON'T call me late for dinner...jk. *I have no idea WHERE that came from, sorry I am delirious*)

See, how can you resist a hot body like that? Somebody call the fire department, this one's outta control! Lol.

Wooobaby Justin's Making It HOT in here! Thrust Me Home!