Good God...not ANOTHER one?!?!

Yeah..Aren't they SOOOO Cute? I don't THINK so!

Alright...although I truly get enjoyment out of making fun of these does get a little old. So STOP iming me you psycho Justin stalkers! Basically this is the same story..different verse. This one is one brick short of a load I tell ya. Hell, I think Joey might have more intelligence in his non hairy toe than this chick does in her whole entire head. But that is besides the point I guess...on with the im convo...

Teenybop44: Hey.

CaptJusty3: hi

Teenybop44: Are you the owner of the Just thrust it page?

CaptJusty3: yeah

Teenybop44: Well, I love him forever and always!@@ He is mine!

CaptJusty3: Justin?

Teenybop44: YES!

CaptJusty3: you can HAVE him

CaptJusty3: lol

Teenybop44: You're just sayin that.

CaptJusty3: um...ok

Teenybop44: Fine, pretend like that then! STOP making fun of my man!

CaptJusty3: Do you KNOW justin?

Teenybop44: Yes, He's mine!!!!!!

CaptJusty3: oh really...

Teenybop44: YES REALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CaptJusty3: So how old are you?

Teenybop44: 19

CaptJusty3: yeah right...and you have a name like Teenybop

CaptJusty3: good one


CaptJusty3: Im'd ME....

Teenybop44: NO I DIDN'T!

CaptJusty3: Yes did

Teenybop44: Fine. Believe that then!

CaptJusty3: Thanks for giving me something new to put up about a rabid justin fan

CaptJusty3: i appreciate it

Teenybop44: GRRRRRRRRRR.............You'd better not!

Teenybop44: I really hate you,know that?

CaptJusty3: You don't even know me

Teenybop44: You make fun of Justin and me so I hate you.

CaptJusty3: Well...if Justin didn't make it so EASY to make fun of him, I wouldn't

CaptJusty3: but he is a moron...just like all the other guys I know his age

Teenybop44: No he isn't he is the smartest person i know!!!


CaptJusty3: I didn't say he was stupid in that sense...I meant that he is a guy...and guys are basically retarded at that age...the way they ACT

CaptJusty3: not how intelligent they are

Teenybop44: He isn't a moron either! Stop making fun of him! I am so mad!..Grrrrrrrr..............................

CaptJusty3: Besides...Justin has an enormous ego...ALMOST as BIG AS HIS FRO...he needs to GET over himself

CaptJusty3: and quickly

Teenybop44: He has a right to have that big an ego! He is sooooooooo HOT!!!!!! HOT!!!! HOT!!!!

CaptJusty3: Whatever...if he wasn't in N would give that AFRO puff a second look

Teenybop44: I am madly in love with him! Yes I would!!! He is a hottie!

CaptJusty3: Um...ok...and Lance DOESN'T look like Ellen either. Good one

Teenybop44: HAHA! Not Funny!

CaptJusty3: I thought it was

Teenybop44: Lance is hot too! Not as hot as Justy though! I LOVE Justin sooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!

CaptJusty3: I have heard

Thrust It To Me Baby!