Justin's Voice Mail

"Wasup, Wasup, Wasup? This is Justin "Danger" Timberlake. Dammit, I have to play chauffeur for the rest of the guys with my MERCEDES. So leave a message, and when I'm done gettin' Jiggy baby, I'll give ya a ring."

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Old Messages:

Message One: "Hey Justin, this is Lance. I got your message, and you need to hurry up and come get me. My roots are in desperate need of bleach--I can hear them crying.."LANCE BLEACH ME!" I called Andre and told him we'd be a little late, but to have the bleach ready!"

Message Two: "This is JC...sure we can go to the studio. Tonight, I had a dream-and God said we have not spent enough time on solos. We need to sing much more. We can't be long though, I need to be home for my scheduled nap at 8:00, and want to be in bed by 10:00. If you have time tomorrow, could we work on those pelvic thrusts? You do them so well! Call me soon."

Message Three: "Hey wasup? This is Joey. I found my pool, but it wasn't as much fun as I thought. How much do you think those cost for an hour? I have lots of money, but all I need is about fifteen minutes. Do you suppose Motel Six rents rooms by the fifteen minutes? Anyways, don't tell JC, he will for sure wait up. I really won't feel like explaining-all that street corner action wears me out. Call me as soon as you can, I am desperately in need of some BOOTY!"

Message Four: "Hey, is this JC...oh well if it's not. I didn't mean to give you Ex-Lax last time. You should've eaten some fiber instead...that'll keep you regular. Haha. About the Viagra, you really shouldn't be using it at your age. You could do some damage. Maybe you could head downtown with Joey some night and get a little action. Anyways, I will talk to you soon. Wait a second...who the hell is this anyways?!? I can't remember which one I pressed. Was it the 1 or the 8? They all look the same to me. Oh well, bye."

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