*N SYNC hits NYC!

These are all personal pics taken by Kristin---please don't steal them without asking! JC may be a klepto, but this is the only time you don't want to be like JC!! :)

This is Kristin's story, who was such a doll for writing us and telling us what she thought of our page. (See people...we wanted feedback...and someone was kind enough to write and tell us what she liked...as well as telling us her own personal *N SYNC story. And look...she got her own personal spot on our page, so everyone can read about it!) This is taken directly from the email she wrote me. Thanks so much Kristin...you are such a sweetie! HERE'S HER STORY: On Friday, August 28, 1998, I was down in NYC for my mom's birthday. It just so happened that *N SYNC was going to be there Friday and Saturday doing some promos for Virgin Records and Macy's. Anyways, that day, we headed down to Union Square, where they were supposed to be, around 10 AM. I figured this would be way too late, since I read that they were going to be there at 8 AM (I was misinformed), so I thought I would be disappointed. Au contraire!! I got there, and there was a crowd of about 1,000 people waiting to see the guys, and, get this, Marilyn Manson. What a combo! Poor Marilyn--this is like sending an eskimo to the Caribbean. He was out of his element. Anyways, I shove my way up to the front of the crowd, and ten minutes later the guys arrive on the top of a double decker bus! Let ear-piercing screaming begin!! With them was Petula Clark (some old singer, my dad told me), Richard Branson (one of the richest guys in the world; he owns Virgin Records and Airlines--I talked to him and didn't even know who he was--stupid, stupid me!!), and some fat cameraman who somehow got in all my pictures. So they do their thing and sing TUMH to the screaming fans, thank everyone, then drive off. I'm guessing the girls there were all sharing one brain, one STUPID brain, cause I was the only one who followed them. Honestly. So I'm running down the street, and the bus stops at a red light. So I'm standing 50 feet from the group that is my inspiration and sexual fetish, and to my astonishment, JC yells out, "Hey there!" and waves! So what's the logical thing to do? Stand there, just gaping at the fact that the lust object of millions of girls worldwide has his full attention fixated on me. Trying to find something in my memory that might resemble a word, I finally find a "Hey--what's up?". The light turns green and they're off, and so am I. So I'm basically following them, and JC yells out, "Are you training for a marathon?". I'm completely bewildered, and I realize I am in an all out sprint. Beginning to regain my sense, I say, "You crazy? No!!". He says, "Olympics then, right?" and feeling my sarcasm returning, I go, "Nah--I'm too good. They said they wanted easier competition!". It's so amazing how a laugh can touch the soul, and the fantastic laugh and warmly familiar smile he gave me put me beyond the world, far into the stars. I felt quite honored to have THE JC Chasez, international superstar and sex symbol, find something I said humorous. At this point, the bus driver pulls the bus over and let me have a talk with them. Just *N SYNC and me on an isolated street--can you say fantasy?? So she pulls over, and Justin comes over and goes, "Hey!", and by some act of the good Lord, I managed to squeak out some friendly greeting. One word from this blonde bombshell sent my heart racing about a billion beats a minute, up from the previous million beats a minute I felt with JC. Then I go, "Justin--you're amazing. I absolutely love everything you do." So what does he do? Only ROCKS my world by giving me that unbelievably seXXXy blown kiss into a peace sign thing he does so well! God COULD'VE sent down a lightening bolt right at me then, and I would've died with a permanant smile on my face! Then I tell them, "Well, you guys know you're not getting away without posing for me!" and Justin goes, "We wouldn't dream of it!" I am now the proud owner of a spectacular one-on-one picture of the guys, to go along with my 68 other pictures I took. Just to make sure I would have a complete heart attack, they start warming up singing IWYB. I run out into the middle of the road and start getting down, and the guys smile and start getting into it too, improvising and just having fun. They were so great. It was honestly a personal *N SYNC concert, and I was being serenaded by JC!! I even have a picture of him pointing to me and singing. I will NEVER have a logical reason to be unhappy!
