Now the bus drives around the corner, and there's about ten other girls. Some promo woman gives me a 16 magazine t-shirt. (Whoo-ha! Let me tell ya, this is a fashion necessity!), but I gladly took it! The bus pulls over again, and JC asks if I want the t-shirt signed. It hadn't even crossed my mind (all I could think was OMYGOSH, OMYGOSH I just talked to Justin and JC!!) so I eagerly gave it to him with my sexiest smile. I then asked him if he could give it to Justin to sign. He laughed, probably all too used to that question. Justin smiles at me and signs it, then hands it to Lance, who also signs it. It somehow got back to me. I asked Lance to sign it, not realizing that he already had (his signature looks like it says Janie, and I'm thinking, who the hell is Janie?), and he signs it again. So I have a double from Lance, but who could complain? It never got to Joey or Chris, but I was much too busy drooling over JC and Justin to notice! Then the lady who gave me the t-shirt asked me if I wanted to come on the bus, but she asked just a bit too late, because right after she did, the bus started moving. Darn it!! So the bus went around the corner to sing IWYB to the awaiting mob. They do, and while they do, I make my dad go get another roll of film, because I've already used up the roll of 24! He does, and as he is loading it, the bus is off again, and so am I. The bus gets to a red light, and JC goes, "Hey--it's my marathon runner back for more!" I was dying--this gorgeous creature gave me a nickname! There I got the chance to tell the guys how much they mean to me, and how much their music touches me like no one else's, and they were genuinely greatful and sincere with their Thank you's and I'm really glad to hear that's. Then the bus turns the corner and I see a limo, so I'm like "damn"--I knew my moments of glory were coming to a close. They filed off the bus, and I got to touch JC and Justin, and they smiled, told me bye, and said they hoped to see me soon. So I run back to my parents and tell them what happened. They freak out cause they know how much I love the guys. So we go off to Macy's and while I'm there, I come across a sign for the free concert they were gonna give THE NEXT DAY! I had no idea about this so I was completely psyched. I got ticket #899 out of 1000, so I was pretty close to not getting one at all. The next day, I get there five hours early, cause it was first come, first serve standing. There were already about 150 or so girls there. So they let us in about an hour early, and my new found friends Daphne, Allison, and I get in the second row!! While we're waiting for the hotties to come out, we see some girls talking to this woman, and we find out that she's Chris' aunt! So we went over and talked to her, and, the suck-up I am, told her that Chris was awesome, and with his great voice, he should get more solos. She was so cute! OK--did any of you see the guys on The View? Betcha did. Know that girl that screamed out "Chris--I love you!"? I talked to her too, except I was a real bitch to her cause she was annoying. Oops--looks like I should've made friends, she seems to have the connections! Anyways, the guys came out (on time, which I hear is pretty rare for them!), and give a GREAT show. Things got pretty crazy, everyone was throwing stuff, and for some reason (I think it was because I was delirious from being in the sun and heat so long!), I threw my pen up onstage and it hit Justin smack in the crotch! It was hilarious, but I felt really bad. To my surprise, Justin smiled, and pointed at me with that grin he had on when I met him. He recognized me--I couldn't believe it! The show was great--the guys looked EXCELLENT, moved so sexy, I had the best time. All in all, I can say that was a weekend I'll never forget!!

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