Lance's Diary...

This is another brilliant writing from Kerri! (She is a Lance case you couldn't tell :) haha).

Dear Diary,

Well, today I woke up and it was just like any other day. I had toothpaste in my hair (I KNOW it was Chris! ) and I had to hurry up and change my boxers before the others woke you know Diary, I still wet the bed. I'm so upset lately Diary! All the other guys pick on me!! I know I'm really weird, I can't dance, and I look like a woman... but they really shouldn't pick on me, after all, THEY aren't perfect! Another thing that really ticks me off is that they think it's funny to steal my Beanie Babies and hide them...that really hurts my feelings. They better watch out, because one day I am going to just SNAP...then they will see. But, for now, I must go.. I hear them waking up, and if they see me writing this, it will give them another thing to make fun of me for. Toodles!

Lance * Will Lance plan revenge on the boys? Find out what he's planning in the next installment of Lance's Secret Diary..or as I like to call him Sir Lance-A-Hot! hehe*

Thrust It!