N Sync day...revealed!!

This was written by someone who Im'd me one day. They had a very strong opinion on N Sync Day...and I asked them to share it with all of you guys and write something for the page. So here it is.

The REAL Reason for 'N Sync Day: One Connecticut Fan's Opinion

As a Connecticut resident and older 'N Sync fan, my first reaction to this 'N Sync day idea was laughter. Kerry Collins (which by the way isn't his REAL name, but I will not disclose it) only put this together for one reason: to get a date. Kerry is a 20 something DJ who preys on younger girls.

(I am not just saying this. My (ex)friend's best friend used to talk to him when she was in 8th grade and he was a junior or senior in high school. He would not let her cheerlead because he did not want her wearing a short skirt)

He was probably going to use this as an excuse to get a date. A teenybopper will go out with anyone older who they think has connections to 'N Sync. Was I going to fall for this? No way. So where was I on the day this petition was going to be signed? I was at work. Was I going to go down there and sign it? Hell no, for various reasons:

1). It was pouring rain and I love 'N Sync, but not enough to get soaking wet and catch pneumonia.

2). I did not want to be the target of Kerry Collin's affection

3). It was just a really really stupid idea!

Oh yeah, and 250 people DID NOT, I repeat DID NOT sign that petition. The local paper said that 3 dozen (36 girls for you math whizzes) were down there and signed it. 36 is QUITE a stretch from 250, don't ya think??

In a few years, will we even remember 'N Sync Day? Probably not. Will we ever get it off from school, and will they close all federal offices for it? Never. The point of this thing was not to show 'N Sync how much we love them, but for Kerry Collins to get a date (which he did NOT accomplish). So basically what I am saying is that this accomplished NOTHING. For all us innocent 'N Sync fans who saw through this charade, I hope to God that Kerry never pulls anything this stupid again. It is not going to get you a date (well one that is of legal age anyway). My advice to Kerry is to go to a bar, and if that doesn't work, then go prey on the little BSB fans, but please try to control your hormones and never let them interfere with your brain again. When the two mix, you come up with some pretty stupid ideas.

**We (Jen and Rachel) would just like to say thank you to Colleen for writing this up for our site. We appreciate your perspective very much.

Thrust It