Ya just can't get enough pics...but if ya can, OH WELL!!

More from NY---

Ride it, ride it, and NO Lance, we're not talkin Toby!!

I'm kinda wonderin what's up with JC's batting glove. You're GORGEOUS hon, but you ain't no Mark McGuire! But then again, I wouldn't mind takin a trip around the bases with you...

I'm also wishing I was Joey right about now!!

WHOA--nice heads in the corner ---> Ladies--get your heads out of the gutter!!

Better be careful JC! If you strain anymore, your face could stick that way! Didn't Mommy teach you ANYTHING when you were young??

Break me off a piece of that JUSTIN!!!

Wow--anybody gettin hungry? I think I'm in the mood to make a Justin and Joey sandwich!

The last of the pics...