AGGHHHHH...The Pictures that Make Me Wanna...Well, Puke.

Oh dear God. These pictures are from Entertainment Weekly and were brought to my attention by Emilie from We Got *N Sync. I really was left almost speechless. I tried to leave BrAtney out of my page for as long as possible, but some of these pictures contained her...and so I HAD to put them in. Think of it this least we all will get a good laugh out of them!

All I have to say is WHAT IS WITH THE HAIR BOYS?!?!?! Justin looks like his hair is fried from too much bleach. JC and Joey look like they stuck their fingers in a light socket. Chris' weave has gotten long and is starting to unravel. Lance, scarily enough, has the same look on his face as he did while serenading Salem...the talking cat on Sabrina. Yikes!!
Joey looks pissed, Lance thinks Topenga is taking the picture. JC is looking up the photographer's NOSE. Justin is trying that "I'm too sexy" look. While Chris is trying to imitate Justin. Ughhh...this picture is FREAKY! question. Did Joey make JC go to the same stylist as him or WHAT?!?! JC looks as though he has been up all night, and has had a little too much crack/caffiene.
Justin has a deformed LIP, JC is trying to sing his little "jazz ver-si-ons", Chris is just being Chris. (He's soooo crazy you know...sticking out his tongue and all), Joey looks satisfied--perhaps just got out of the jello pool. Britney looks stoned, maybe JC gave her some crack/caffiene. I have NO idea what Lance is doing, he scares me though. Ok...WHAT is BrAtney doing to MY man? I believe that is her skanky head leaning up against his cheek. This is what my friend Beth said really happened..."I'm sure the little slut did it on her own and Justy was trying to resist but the photographer snapped the pic right before Justy smacked her upside her head and said,"yo,bitch, what the dealio? My fly boo Jen be seein dat! you's best get yourself up out of my jerry-curls!!!" Isn't Beth such a good friend? Consoling me when I think Justy is cheating.
JC is like, "Don't hold me back..Let me HIT HER ONE MORE TIME!". Justin is holding him from attacking BrAtney and beating her within an inch of her life. Joey just farted...and Lance and Chris just got the first whiff of it.
JC is imitating BrAtney in her "Baby one more time video". Instead of accomplishing it, he just ended up looking like a stripper wanna-be. (Doesn't he know that Justy is the only STRIPPER in this group?!? Please people.) All the guys are laughing, and Justy wants JC to "take it all off!!" BrAtney looks constipated. Maybe Chris could slip her a little EX-Lax. Lol.

Well kids...that's enough for now. More up tomorrow...or later this week. Woo hoo! I know you can't wait!! =)

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