Rabid Justin fan alert...watch out!!

This is a convo I had on AIM with a rabid Justin fan...her name has been changed for privacy's sake...and I am of course...CAPTJUSTY3!!! Arrrgg matey's! Lol. One other thing...much of it has been edited out for lack of space...plus some of it is boring.

ImObsessed: you own Just Thrust It ......right?

ImObsessed: you never rewiewed the IDMC video yet

CaptJusty3: i know.

CaptJusty3: i am still laughing about it

ImObsessed: why not?

CaptJusty3: and don't know where to begin

ImObsessed: what did you find funny about it? CaptJusty3: everything

CaptJusty3: i laughed so freakin hard

CaptJusty3: plus i am really busy...no time to write a review you know

ImObsessed: yeah I know...our vacation just started

ImObsessed: I found the part with Joey the funniest

CaptJusty3: yeah...i actually liked the entire thing...it was all funny

CaptJusty3: justin looked like shit though

ImObsessed: I thought he looked cute

CaptJusty3: no way!! he is the tennessee albino

CaptJusty3: worse than lance now

CaptJusty3: lol

CaptJusty3: sooo pale

ImObsessed: Hell no....he was sooooo cute during the video

ImObsessed: it was powder *Ok, this is Jen...WHAT?!?! Powder? If I remember correctly..that movie was about a pale skinned bald guy that attracted lightening. Whatever!*

CaptJusty3: no way!!

ImObsessed: yes way

CaptJusty3: he looked like shit

ImObsessed: no..chris did

CaptJusty3: i have never seen him look worse. chris too'

ImObsessed: Justin looked good

ImObsessed: chris looked awful

CaptJusty3: jc looked the best...with lance as a close second

ImObsessed: JC needed to shave

ImObsessed: Lance needs to stop trying to get on camera

CaptJusty3: well justin needs to stop hogging the camera

CaptJusty3: he filled up the rubber room with his huge ego

ImObsessed: but everyone likes him the best and he is the cutesy

CaptJusty3: not everyone

ImObsessed: it was a padded room *Jen again...WEll EXCUSEEEE ME!*

ImObsessed: yeah everyone that matters

CaptJusty3: people are getting sick of his attitude

CaptJusty3: my friend amanda doesn't like justin at all

ImObsessed: no one I know

ImObsessed: that's just your stupid friend

CaptJusty3: she thinks he is a stuck up mama's boy that squeals when he sings

ImObsessed: Justin has a fro that is adorable

*OK, this is Amanda from here on out...much of this has been deleted because Amanda has a temper, and didn't appreciate being called "stupid". So...yeah. Continue...*

CaptJusty3: justin looks like he has a dead poodle on his head

ImObsessed: I have many friends

ImObsessed: famous ones at that

CaptJusty3: why don't you go try to get that dead poodle off of justin's head...it will give you something to do..

ImObsessed: like..have you ever hung out with Keavy,Edele,Lindsay,and Sinead? well...those four are my best friends and they opened for NSYNC and they said Justin was really nice so shut up *Oh YEAH...and Lou Pearlman is my GRANDPA!! Whatever...*

ImObsessed: I was just mad at Jen for saying justin was ugly in that video

CaptJusty3: you should be. you've been very rude

ImObsessed: me?

CaptJusty3: why are you mad about someone you don't even know?

CaptJusty3: you're mad because someone said something about someone you don't even know(justin r. timberlake)

ImObsessed: I met him backstage once does that count

CaptJusty3: you just need to loose some of your teenage obsession..its pretty bad

ImObsessed: I don't have any obsessions CaptJusty3: whatever

CaptJusty3: you got upset about something jen said and you've met him once *Remember, this is Amanda talking*

CaptJusty3: and I'm sure he DOESN'T remember you...

CaptJusty3: so just chill out

***Well kids, that is about the most entertaining parts...actually the funniest parts I couldn't even put up. Anyhow...I hope you enjoyed reading my (Jen's) psycho teenybopper run in. Anyhow..I am not mean...so don't be afraid to IM me...I don't bite. (Hard!! Lol..j/k)

ANNOUNCEMENT!! ImObsessed im'd me again!! This time I am revealing the sn that she used. So feel free to back me up...and tell her what a teenybopper she is!!! Click here to read the new im transcript. BUT...CAUTION...foul language abounds. So caution is advised.

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