Sing it to me Baby...Uh huh..Uh huh...

As they walked down the hall, the guys began to notice the plaques, gold records, and various other memorabilia on the wall. Justin took this oppurtunity to put in his unwanted 2 cents.

"Yo! Da Backstreet Boyz? Dat's wack! I would neva be a fag like dat! What'z up wit dem?", he commented.

Lou laughed silently to himself, smiling as he thought of what was in store for his unsuspecting young prodigy. Leading the five to a small conference room, he offered them chairs and took his own at the front of the long table.

"OK guys--this mission is going to be difficult, but more for the mind than the body. The first thing we're going to have to do is test your voices. Then my crew and I will determine your status in the "group" we will develop for you. Last off, we'll record. Any questions?", Lou asked.

Joey raised his hand. "When do we eat?", he replied seriously.

"Haha boy--I like the way you think. Now if you'll all follow me into the sound room, we'll test out those vocal chords!", Lou urged.

They followed the Big Bopper into a white room filled with large machinery, with big words such as Yahama emblazoned on them. Basically, words that would be difficult for Joey to pronounce. Lou showed them what each machine did, then showed them the 5 microphones in the middle of the room, and after turning each one on, said, "OK guys--let's hear what you got! How about you first Justin?"

Justin beamed, cleared his throat and adjusted his package as he routinely did for good luck. He stepped up to the microphone, grabbed it possesively, and let out a few screeching high notes before finding the scale. Lou and his soundmen looked on in somewhat shock, suprised that notes so composed could be found in a soul so cocky. Justin finished, saw that Lou was pleased, and smiled contently.

"Very nice Justin. How about you take a turn JC?", Lou suggested.

JC nodded and gentely picked up the microphone. Without preparing at all, he opened his mouth, and with his first note, Lou's draw dropped to the floor. This young man's vocal maturity and control took him by absolute suprise. JC finished with a quick pelvic thrust, obviously not meant to be, seen by the brilliant shade of red his cheeks turned.

When Lou found the ability to pick up his chin off the floor, he smiled widely and said, "Well, that exceeded all of my expectations! I never expected I'd have talent to work with. Wait, I mean, oh hell. Nice voice JC!"

Lou, still in shock, turned to Lance. "Son, let's hear what you have to give."

The shy Mississipian meandered over to the microphone. He shyly belted out a Garth Brooks song, singing the lowest of the low notes with complete ease. Lou was impressed, and knew that the young bass would mesh well with the two midrange voices that he had just heard.

"Ok Chris, you are up next...Lance, nice job. You will do just fine," stated Lou.

Chris walked forward, braids swinging, and picked up the mic. He closed his eyes, and about blew Lou out of the room with the extremity of the high notes he sweetly sang. He would have kept going, but he was starting to shake the window of the sound booth. Lou stepped up and told him gently that he had heard enough.

"Soundin' good my braided friend, but you could bust my ear drums with a few of those notes. Are you sure that you aren't a 10 year old girl in disguise? Hahaha!" Lou laughed heartily at his own joke.

"Thanks Lou..and no, I wasn't the last time I checked. Haha," replied Chris.

"'s all you buddy," said Lou.

Joey waddled over to the microphone and grabbed it like it was a Subway sandwich that he couldn't wait to devour. He belched into the mic...and then turned bright red. "I'm sorry...I guess that banana I ate earlier really did me in. Must have ate it too fast. Haha" said an embarassed Joey.

"It's alright son..continue." Lou stated gently, trying to hold in his laughter.

Joey tried to regain his composure, but started out sounding kind of nervous. He quickly forgot about the belching incident however, and let the true performer in him shine through. He smoothly belted out a song, and truly impressed Lou and the other guys. He didn't have the star quality, or the solo career options that JC and possibly even Justin had, but he could hold his own onstage. His natural charisma showed that he could turn on the charm for the ladies. Lou knew that he was a keeper instantaneously.

"Very nice my boy! You will truly be the Italian stallion of this group. I can see it already!" Lou shouted enthusiastically.

Next, Lou instructed the boys to try and harmonize together. He gave them some sheet music, and played the now familiar tune of I Want You Back. Justin began...

"You're all I ever wanted...

You're all I ever needed...yeaaah

So tell me what to do now...cuz...


The rest followed in suit with their individual parts.





Justin took over the lyrics once more...

"I want you back..."

A musical interlude broke in, while the guys looked to Lou for approval of what they had sung. Lou just looked smugly at his soundmen as he realized that he had gold on his hands.

"..Promises never last forever..."

"I didn't know then that you were riiiiight"

JC finished up his part, and Lou silenced them. "Very good boys! Nice work. Looks like we might have a platinum single on our hands!!! You guys have got it down perfectly already...just a little more work and you will be completely in sync."

The boys looked at Lou and grinned. Justin started bouncing around like a maniac. "Boo ya! Dis be phat...yo Lou...that name is da bomb diggity! We bes N SYNC!"

Lou looked at JC for help in translating. JC sighed and said, "He thinks that is cool, and he likes that idea. Justin feels that we should be called N Sync."

Lou stroked his large chin thoughtfully. "You know..that isn't a half bad idea. It meshes well with your vocals, since you all blend so nicely. And it's rather catchy too. Something that grabs your attention, and easy to remember. Do you all like it?"

All the guys looked at each other and shrugged. "Well, it looks like none of us really have any objections," said Lance quietly.

"Well then Lance, it looks like the name of my new prodigies is N Sync." boasted Lou.

"Now, you guys have shown me that you can sing together, but let's just see if you will do well TRAVELING together."

Joey looked confused, "What do you mean? We HAVE been traveling together. And frankly, I am not getting enough food in that Winnie."

Lou replied in a cheerful voice, "Well boys, what do you say about this?" He handed Chris a small recorder, and the 27 year old pressed play while the guys listened intently.

It was that familiar male voice that they vaguely recognized, but still couldn't place. It said..

Follow the Big Bopper...

Across the ocean blue...

Into the lands of Sweden...

Is where the plane will carry you...

When you arrive...

You will see what is in store...

Soon before you know it...

Girls will be knocking down your door...

The guys looked anxiously at Lou. He said, "Pack your bags boys, we leave tomorrow at noon."

Joey look excited as he shouted, "GIRLS!! Wooo baby! I think I am going to love this mission!"

They all laughed...but inside, each of the boys had mixed feelings on going overseas to Sweden.

Justin was worried about missing his Benz...and his mom. JC was concerned about the jet lag he would experience. Lance was just hoping that they would have the right Pearly Pink lipstick if he ran out. Chris was just sitting quietly, hoping that he was doing the right thing by going along with these young boys.

Joey..was still thinking about the girls...surprise, surprise.

So they all said good-bye to Lou, and went to the Winnie. They went right to bed, because they knew they would have a big day ahead of them.

Curious about what happens to the guys overseas? Well, let's just say it looks as if the girls Joey wants will be right around the corner. Lol...Mission 4: Sweden -coming soon.