Road Rules Mission 2: Springer

Here's the boys in the green room before going on Springer

"Yo--coo! Dat's PHAT!! We bez goin on Springa!! Dat show's da bomb! Da honies on dere iz fly!!", Justin sqeeled in delight.

"I love Springer--hot girls...", JC lazily translated, trailing off.

"Hey--being on national tv, maybe I could get my career in stand-up going!!", Chris said.

"But don't you have to be funny to do that?", JC commented.

"Haha--you all can laugh. You'll see. Well then, I can give the advice at the end, cause I have a degree in psychology I'll have you know.", Chris fought back.

"Wow", exclaimed Joey. "You crossed my mind as being the kind of guy who barely passed fingerpainting in kindergarten, let alone college!"

"Oh Joey--I think I saw someone stocking up the fridge before we got in here", implied Lance.

"OOOOH GOODY!! It's been 1.7 seconds since my last meal. Gosh--I'm DYING here!", Joey screamed, and with stomach growling, scampered off to the back of the Winnie in search of his prized possession.

"And who's the one with the psychology degree?", smiled Lance. And with that, JC hopped in the driver's seat and started the Winnie, while Justin wandered off to the back of the bus with Lance and flipped on the tv. After much channel surfing, he finally found Boy Meets Worlds and deemed it acceptable.

"Yo--dat girl Topenga iz SLAMMIN!!", Justin said.

"Yeah--I know what you mean", Lance replied. "Wow--I wonder what it would be like to date her. She's just SO out of my reach!"

Chris came in the room, overhearing Lance's comment. "Yeah", he said, "you gotta be, like, in a boygroup or something to get with someone like that, and if you're in a boygroup, you gotta dress, act, and be gay. Besides, she's too old for me"

"Yo-Huh? Dat girl'z like ma age! She's like 10 yearz younga den you iz! You'z too old!", Justin exclaimed, wide-eyed.

"I said young. It's not like I go for 10 year old prepubescent teenyboppers!", Chris fought back, blushing furiously. "Excuse me while I go take my Viagara--I mean Metamucil--oh hell, forget it!", he mumbled, shuffling hurredily out of the room.

"Yo--wut be wit da brotha? He bez actin wacked!", Justin said.

"Ummm...ok", Lance agreed. "I think I need to go too", and he rushed to the front of the Winnie, with Justin close behind in step.

Nervously taking a seat between Chris and Joey, Justin took a look at Joey's "snack" and exclaimed, "Yo foo! Leave sum food fo us!"

Joey, taking a breath from furiously shoving strawberry Jell-o in his face, said, "Don't worry--I think I left a banana or two. You guys'll be fine!"

Chris then emerged from the tiny bathroom, sporting a fresh orange Fubu jersey and some MAJOR wood. A bright smiled was on his face. "Help me now", JC cried out. "This is gonna be a LONG ride."

19 hours later, they arrived in the windy city of Chicago, and, eventually found Springer studios, with JC taking the wheel away from Joey, insisting that he was "the only one competent enough to read the street signs". They entered the building, and immediately met up with Melissa, who was to prepare them for their tv appearance. She showed them the set, and sat them in the green room, explaining to them that they must be ready to fight.

"Oh no!" cried Lance. "I can't fight, cuz I'm from Mississippi!"

"What the hell does that have to do with anything?", Melissa yelled.

"Oh forget it--I don't want anyone mad", whimpered Lance.

"Hey baby--how about you and me go in that closet over there and do a little rumbling of our own?", seduced Joey, caressing Melissa's arm.

"How about I just kick your ass now and save you the public humilation?" she shot back.

"Oooh--fiesty! I love a woman with spine" Joey said.

Completely blowing him off, Melissa proceeded to prepare the guys, and 3 hours later, they were on stage, in matching vinyl jumpsuits.

"DAMN!", JC complained. "I thought matching outfits were only for boybands!"

"Actually, I think the shade of baby blue on my jumpsuit contrasts my complexion brilliantly!", Lance glowed.

"Yo--why's he get da baby blue? Y'all should know dat's MA colla!" Justin angrily said.

"Anyone else wonder why Melissa kept the topic of the show such a secret? We don't even know why we're here!", Chris commented.

"Hey--they fed us. That's all I care about!", Joey replied, and with that, the cameraman signaled that the show was about to begin.


Mission 2 Continued...