...and the madness continues!

As they hopped in the Winnie, Justin was obviously pleased by the recent news.

"YO--we bez recordin in O-Town? Dat's PHAT!! I gotz da bomb-diggity voice! Yo JC--tell em bout my tight voice", Justin begged.

JC, still visibly nauseated by being forced into the same room with Nikki for more than 5 minutes, replied, "Yeah--Justin's got a tight voice. It's the bomb-diggity".

Chris and Lance tried unsuccessfully to supress their laughter, and just as Justin began to open his mouth in resentment, Joey entered the scene again, his face covered with vivid red lipstick marks.

"Man--", JC pleaded, "PLEASE don't tell me you reduced yourself to Nikki!"

Joey's face turned a color resembling the shade of lipstick, and meekly said, "These hormones...I just can't seem to control them..." and his voice trailed off.

"Dude--this place is CURSED! We gotta get out of here!", JC said, turning the key of the Winnie.

"Yo---time fo O-Town! We'z be bouncin y'all!", Justin exclaimed, and with that, they were off.

"Exactly WHAT is that in your hand Joey?", Lance politely asked, pointing to the red satin object Joey was clutching.

"Well", Joey stuttured, "I thought that since you know how all the Road Rules people before us had skulls on the front of the Winnie? Well, I thought we could use Nikki's bra instead. She kind of threw it at me, so I hoped we could make good use of it."

At this stupid remark, JC angrily revved up the Winnie and pulled out of the parking lot. As the hours wore on, each guy found something to pass the time. Joey found comfort in the newly restocked fridge, while Chris pulled out his cell phone to call up his wife and kids. Lance was fixated on the HeeHaw rerun on the mini-tv, and Justin dissappeared into the bathroom with his bottle of Day-Glo hair dye. JC was occupied by complaining of his lack of sleep, but ironically would not let anyone else take control of the wheel. Just after Justin had fried the last hair on his head, the tired Winnie pulled into the Trans-Con Studio parking lot.

With its lush shrubbery and old-fashioned bricks, Joey immediately mistook it for the Playboy Mansion and made no attempt to force his eyes back into their sockets. JC took one look at him and shook his head in disgust. Justin eagerly jumped out and exclaimed, "YO! Dis be where I'z be singin?!? BOO-YA!"

JC slowly took his head in his hands and silently agreed to shoot himself when he found a suitable gun, for consenting to spend 24 hours a day with these guys. They walked into the door and were warmly greeted by a perky blonde at the front desk.

"Ummm...hi! My name is, like, Candy!", she said, her voice dripping with a combination of sugar and stupidity.

"Baby", Joey replied, "I might not be candy, but I'll sure melt in your mouth!" Candy giggled hysterically as Joey wrapped an arm around her waist. He was preparing to go in for the kill when a formidably large, yet visibly friendly old white guy opened the hall door.

"Hello guys!", he welcomed. "My name is Lou, but you can call me Big Bopper. Follow me!" He motioned with his hand down the hall. Justin bounced enthusiastically through the door, with Chris, JC, Lance, and a begrudged Joey close in step.

Continued...coming soon...

Mission 3 Continued...

Email: jen_lvs_nsync@hotmail.com