If you stay in line...

You wait the next hour and are FINALLY let in! Filled with excitement, you get to your first row seat and anxiously wait for the concert. An hour and a half later, the lights dim, and a rush of anticipation flows through the crowd. The guys are finally going to come out! A shadow moves across the stage, and you think "This is IT!" To your, and 5,000 other's disappointment, an obese older man walks onto the stage with a timid and frightened expression played on his face. You have a feeling he's about to deliver bad news, and horribly enough, you're right. A hush goes over the crowd now, and clearing his throat, he says..."I'm terribly sorry everyone, but tonight's show is going to have to be cancelled. Sadly, JC Chasez has been taken hostage by a hostile fan. We're in the process right now of negotiating with the fan, but it appears that this is going to be a long night. We have to put JC's safety first. Please don't worry, he will soon be in good hands. Once again, I'm very sorry." Your jaw drops in utter amazement. JC--taken hostage?!? You can't get the image out of your mind that if you had gone after that bus, this all might not have happened, or, better yet, you could've been the one to take him hostage!

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