Teenyboppers...and other Strange Concert Encounters...

I got this really cool email about a concert experience from a girl named Vanessa.

Hey my name is Vanessa. I went to an *N Sync concert at the Universal Amphitheater in LA California. This is the true horror story of my teenybopper encounter...

Me and my friend Ashley are walking towards the amphitheater hoping that we would not get trampled (this is about 3 hours before the concert). We reach the gates and there is about 2,000 teenybopper chicks standing around (most in baby blue with signs that say "Justin I love you!" or "Justin is god!"). We look at one another and laugh hysterically, I swear we could not stop for 10 minutes. So we decide to explore the Universal City Walk we see that there is a Hard Rock Cafe restaurant and we decide to kick it there for a while. We walk in and who do you think we see? If you guessed more teenyboppers your right!!!! But what we saw next was awesome... *N Sync was sitting up on the 3rd floor doing what looked like an interview!!! So Ashley suggested we casually pretend we are old enough to be on the bar level, I agree, it can't hurt to try!!!! So we walk up to the 3rd level and casually stroll towards a table near *N Sync's. :::WHEW::: we aren't caught. We start glancing over at the table and to our amazement Joey looks over and kinda sends a crooked smile our way, then J. C. looks over and waves. Then we wave back, duh!!!! So we decide to walk over and strike up a conversation... Bad idea. I can officially say that *N Sync's bodyguard was not cool enough to let us talk to them but he was cool enough to let them wave good-bye to us as we walked out of the restaurant.

So back out to the world of the teenybopper. By this time it was about 2 hours before the concert so we decided to get changed (we were both dressed pretty nice but we've heard how the concerts can get) we changed to jeans, T-shirts, and our letterman's jackets. We head back to the Amphitheater and now there are 10,000 teenyboppers standing in front of the gate. Some are singing some are fighting some are crying ... it's a mad house. Ash and me decide to hang by the big universal globe and wait for the gates to open. Finally they open and we are the last ones in line to get into the theater. We walk in find our seats and see that we are surrounded by eleventeen year olds on all sides. We settle into our seats and just relax. We overhear a teenybopper behind us that is convinced she is pregnant with Justin's baby she also claims that his penis is huge. We overhear an eighteen year old in the row in front of us say that she only came tonight to break it off with J. C. We questioned where her backstage pass was and she proceeded to flip us the bird.

So there we were surrounded on all sides by teeny (and not so teeny) boppers when we spot relief... 2 open seats in the third row (about 15 ahead of us) once again we decide to pull a slick one and go for the seats. GOOD IDEA!!!! We met a saint because of those seats (more about that later) so the lights dim and B*Witched comes out. They were pretty good considering it was the first time I had ever heard them. After they finished there was a 10 minute intermission and we decide to stand up and stretch our legs (because it was a long drive from Temecula). We look around to see who is near us and there he is ... the god of all boy bands... Lou Pearlman!!!! We walk over and strike up a conversation with him, he's so cool! We talked about his company and he asked us about the Citywalk. We told him about our run in with *N Sync at the H. R. C. and he said he was sorry we didn't get to talk to them and that he would insure that we got to meet them. We were shocked ... he grabbed his cell phone and dialed up a really long number. Finally he turns around and tells us that we have a reserved table at the country star restaurant where *N Sync would be after the concert. We hugged him and thanked him over and over again.

We sit back down and we cannot believe that we have been soooooooo lucky!!!!!!! Next came Britney (who was sick so she could not prance around, she had to sit in a chair the whole time) no comment. Then another 10 minute intermission. During this 10 minute intermission me and Ash decided to get funky because they were playing music so we got up and started groovin'. Next think we see is Britney's dancers come and sit in the reserved seats right in front of us. They notice us dancing and come to talk to us. We had a cool conversation about the tour and *N Sync (The 2 guy dancers were awesomely fine!!!) and then the lights began to dim so we stood up and the concert started. I can't say much about the concert because of the clan of 5 teenyboppers behind us. The entire time they decided to proclaim their love for the guys at the top of their lungs. We were annoyed but figured if we were eleventeen we'd be doing the same thing. So we laughed when Joey ate it, we cried when J. C. & Justin sang GMHSALMTOY(it was a song dedicated to a recently deceased friend of ours) and we bled from the ears from the teenyboppers screams.

After the concert we raced out of the theater to get changed. We head back across the Citywalk after we changed towards the Country Star Restaurant. We reach the door and spot Lou inside, we go and sit down at the table he reserved for us... it is right next to the table where *N Sync is going to be sitting! We look around and see that the restaurant is filled to the rim with teenyboppers that are chattering and giggling. All of a sudden we are shocked by the screams and mass stampedes of the teenyboppers ... we know that the group has entered the restaurant. We see the guys making their way towards the table next to ours, and they sit down. We thought that the teenyboppers were going to be running free in the restaurant but the same bodyguard that was mean to us earlier turned out to be our best friend. He asked the restaurant manager to close off the section where we were sitting and she gladly did. Lou walked over to us and asked us if we were ready to meet the boy and we said yes of course. He brought over 2 chairs to the end of their table and we hesitantly walked over. Lou introduced us to the guys and we sat down. Immediately Joey and J. C. recognized us. We struck up a conversation with the guys about the tour and who we are, they were kinda surprised to find out we were only 16 & 17. We talked to each other for about 2 hours then they said they had to go so we sadly said good-bye but we both got an autograph and a kiss on the cheek from each guy. ALL I HAVE TO SAY ABOUT MY ENTIRE EXPERIENCE IS THANK GOD FOR LOU PEARLMAN and teenyboppers are crazy little chicks!!

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