Crazed Concert Goers...Close Encounters of the Third Kind?!?

An *N SYNC concert is a night to remember...who can forget Justin in a wifebeater, or Lance struggling to "ride it"? But before those five gorgeous guys come out on stage...there are things that no normal fan will EVER forget! Yeah, you guessed it...TEENYBOPPERS!! They run rampant throughout the venue, screeching about how much they LOVE Justin, or how they just KNOW that if they got to talk to JC--he would propose. Right. Well, here's a section poking fun at those crazed fans.

By the way...if any of you have teenybopper stories to share...feel free to email us at we will gladly add them to this section! Thanks!!

Now, my own personal experience with the teenyboppers was at the Des Moines concert I recently attended...let me tell you, they were frightening. First off, there were about three main categories of teenyboppers.

#1. The Fubu jersey girls with the color of jersey that their favorite guy wore in the *N the Mix video. There was one group of girls that even had Santa hats with their favorite guy's last name written on the fur with glitter. (Copying the girls off of TRL--the second time. Maybe they were hoping the guys would stop the concert and ask if they could wear the hats!) Damn, those probably got the boys' attention. Right. If it did, they were probably just thinking, "Who are those girls with the Santa hats...are they on crack? Christmas is over man!"

#2. The fanatics dressed in baby blue. Those were running around all over the place. Actually, I think they were multiplying. It was frightening. Example A: A girl about 14 years old...wearing a blue fisherman's hat (like the one Justin wore in the Disney Concert special where they were practicing), white tshirt with a UNC jersey over it, and baggy semi-faded jeans. My oh my, Justin is surely gonna see her and say..."Oh my god Chris, do you see that girl? I have to marry her...we could share clothes!" Good One.

#3. The girls who decide to spell out something on their shirts. The girls at this concert decided "I Love(heart instead of spelling out love) NSYNC...on what else? Baby blue shirts with dark blue letters. Interestingly enough, during Here We Go, when they turned the house lights on a little, Chris actually commented on their shirts. But then he laughed, shattering the dreams of the letter people forever. Oh well.

The funniest person I saw at the concert was a male, about 18 years old. Anyways, I don't even know why the poor boy paid $27.00 for Row B seats, since he had his eyes closed the entire time. He was crooning (literally) into his glowstick thingy, and rocking out to the music. However, this same thing could have been done in the privacy of his own home. Thus, saving him the embarassment of us laughing hysterically at him, and my sister taking a picture of him for memory's sake. Actually, I don't even think he noticed that anyone was laughing at him, or that anyone was there BUT him. Much less *N SYNC. It was pure comedy at it's finest. I would have paid $5.00 just to sit and laugh at him...but not while *N SYNC was performing of course. To tell you the truth, I should have paid him $5.00, traded him seats, and he would have never known the difference. (He was almost dead center, while we were a little to the right of the stage. We still had awesome seats, but would've had a little better picture angle from his. Oh well, it's all good.) To say the least, he was entertaining. And although I stopped watching him after about 2 seconds during GMHSALMTOY (when I first noticed it), I am almost positive that he kept it up throughout the entire concert. SIGH...some people!


This is a story left by Erin on our message board! We just want to say THANK YOU to her!!

I went to the 'N Sync concert in Indianapolis in December, I had front row seats, and this girl beside me (I was on the end of my friends) kept screaming things like "Jusin, I luv you, when are you coming home to me??".

I was like "huh"? After awhile it got annoying and she was ruining the whole concert experience for me so I shouted to her "Hey dumba**, sorry to break the news to you, but he isn't yours!" She looked at me and she said, "HE IS MY JUSTIN AND NO ONE ELSE'S!" That was the beginning of our shouting match thing! At one point (I swear to god this is true) Justin looked at us because I said his name a tad bit too loud, and I looked up and he was giving us this quick funny look.

After about 10 minutes of arguing with this girl, her mom got up and yelled at me saying I had no right to yell at her daughter. I told the lady to f--- off. At that point she gave me this two minuute lecture on how I should respect adults. She was worse than my parents, and to make her even more mad, in the middle of her lecture I walked away. She got pissed, but I moved in between two of my friends because they were afraid I was gonna start fighting with the mom.

There's my story of my bad encounter with a teeny-bopper, she managed to ruin my WHOLE CONCERT, or at least the beginning. But I think I ruined her's more, after her shouting match with me, her mom walked off with her. After that I didn't see them again. I must say, she was obsessed, she had on a blue FUBU jersey and a blue NC hat. I think she needed mental help!

Here is another story we received via email: (Thanks Tami)

Ok I went to an NSync concert in December! And I was waiting outside with my sucky balcony seats and these little 10 year olds were in front of me that had 1st row, go figure! Well one of the girls was totally dressed like BrAtney in her Baby One More Time video! I mean the whole nine yards the pink things in her and hair and everything! She was holding a sign that said "I look just like Britney don't you love me!" Gag me now please! Her friends that were there with her were dressed like Tasha off Barney's Great Adveture! But anyway! I had meet and greet passes so when the time came to get jiggy with it the girls were like can you please take our CD's and get them signed? And being the caring person I am I said NO! LOL, I am kidding I took the three CD's and got the things signed of course I had to say sorry to guys for having 4 CD's to sign but they were like "That's cool."

When I took the things back to these girls they were like hugging me, ewww!! And one of the girls started to cry and I mean cry she was like I will never play this CD again never I will buy another one. I was like they signed the jacket of the CD not the CD itself and she was like "well if I open the thing to much it will mess up..I think I am going to frame it!" I about gagged. When the concert finally started at 8:10 pm the girls that I had got the CD's signed for were screaming and jumping like the teenyboppers they are. And the bodyguard had taken there sign (Thank god). The one Britney Spears wannabe fainted dead away. Justin just looked at her and smiled and she fell on her friend and Justin gave her the weirdest look! I was dying laughing!

All in all it was a great concert, minus the Teenyboppers making me getting their little CDs that they probably never pry signed!

More Strange Encounters....Beam Me Up Scotty!!
Des Moines Concert
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