Oooooh Baby, Baby.......It's Tearin' Up My Heart

After seeing these five guys in concert, and being about eighteen feet away from them, I decided to tell you about my newly formed opinions of them. Seeing them live has changed some of my original opinions, and strengthened others. So for all you people who haven't been lucky enough to have seen *N SYNC in concert...this is for you...

Justin: He was my original favorite before the concert, and remains my favorite. He has a stage presence that makes you want to watch him before even glancing at all the other guys. Also...wifebeater...HELLO! I don't know about you, but I don't know any seventeen (almost eighteen) year olds that look that good. I guess God must have spent a hell of a lot more time on him. Basically overall, he is the best dancer as well. He has some SMOOTH moves! His pelvic thrusts were very nice as anyways...I have three words to describe Justin..DAMN GOOD LOOKING!!

JC: I was very impressed with JC, he was blessed with the most beautiful voice that I have ever heard. He sounds the same both on the CD and live. I don't think he can have an off day. He dances spastically at times, but I think that is just a product of his extremely high energy. On stage, he did everything at full force, never stopping for a minute. He is also very attractive in person...although his hair was kinda poofy that night, he still looked damn good. He is an extremely close second favorite...and although I hate to say it, at times..can give Justin a run for his money!

Lance: Now, I know what you all are thinking...LANCE?! I think he is one of those things you either love or hate. I used to think that his head was shaped kinda like a peanut m&m myself...but after seeing him in person, I am beginning to reconsider that statement. Although he is probably the least photogenic of the group (besides Chris), he is very attractive in person. He is strikingly handsome (meaning, attractive in a way other than the all american boy). Although in some of the clothing he was wearing, he looked really dorky in, overall I was pretty impressed by Lance. He has a wonderful bass voice that sent shivers down my spine. His dancing has also improved considerably!

Joey: Now, I didn't care for Joey before either, I actually thought that he was really weird. After seeing him onstage though, I really am starting to like him better. He has such a good time onstage. He was full of energy, and was really funny too! He is also fairly good looking in person. Justin and him always seemed to be doing something silly, and then laughing about it.

Chris: He was my very least favorite, and is now probably tied, or very close to Lance and Joey. He isn't incredibly attractive in person...but I think he could be if he just did something with his hair. However, it was shorter, and in a ponytail, instead of those damn pigtail things. He was really funny, and seemed to be having a good time. He really does have a good voice, although it is higher than mine. :)