Things to do at an N SYNC concert!

Y'all know how boring it gets sometimes before N Sync comes on. Well, here are some things that either we have ACTUALLY done to spice up our concert experiences, or stuff we think would be fun to do. I hope you enjoy..

DO tell people with better seats than you that they lowered the prices for the t-shirts/brochures 50% so they get up and leave.

DON'T believe people when they tell you they lowered prices of t-shirts/brochures 50% because they just want your seats.

Bring binoculars, cuz unless you're in the front row, you won't be able to see jack.

Brag to the 7 year-olds next to you that your Grandpa's cousin's neighbor's nephew's son's dog's sister is tight with the guys...see if they really caught all of that!

Throw a huge pair of underwear up on stage...but only after you smear some peanut butter on the crotch part of it!

When they open up with "Here We Go", whip a box of tampons at Justin's head as he sings the line, "Yes, yes, yes here we go...N Sync has got the flow!".

When JC flies over you, whip your glowstick at him. Forget the rules about not throwing stuff at the guys...the show is almost over! At least you would get a good laugh, and maybe even a dirty look from him! Lol.

Wear a shirt making fun of the guys' sexual orientation, with picture proof right on the front. Then scream stuff like "I LOVE HOWIE, HE IS SO HOT!" in front of a million 10 year olds.

Make a sign that says, "BACKSTREET BOYS FOREVER!". See how many people give you dirty looks.

If you want pictures, bring a camera with a telescopic lens. Because unless you are in the front row, a zoom is practically a requirement.

Make a complete ass of yourself by going up to hot security guards that you know and say, "Um..hi, is there anyway that we could move up?". Then feel like an even bigger ass when he feels sympathetic towards you because he can't.

Dress up like Bitchney Spears and insist on serenading N Sync's security guards with your own off key rendition of "Make My Boobies One More Size". LOL!

Insist to the 8 year old sitting next to you that you are Justin's 5th cousin. Tell them outrageous stories about you and "Justy's" escapades..such as your search around Memphis to find out if Elvis was really dead.

Just Thrust It!