N Sync's Top Ten

After many nights of Letterman, I decided to do my own Top 10. After all, it's just to much fun!! I was forced to narrow the pickup lines down to just 10. These are ones I can see Joey using, ha, ha, can't you? Also, after an EXTENSIVE review of all the many pictures of Justin (some old, some new) I have come to realize just how many things his fro can actually resemble! It's downright amazing! Enjoy...and stop back often as I will continue to put my wonderful sense of humor to good use!

Things That Weird Me Out:

10. Lance has all the talk show hosts in the palm of his hand!

9. They all say the would date fans, but would they really go out with a 8 year-old?

8. Justin has a very strong resemblence to the dude in the Pretty Fly (For A White Guy) video, and the lyrics relate to him too!

7. Okay...They all love Janet Jackson and alway gush about her, but she never says anything about N SYNC.

6. JC's chest hair only sprouts around the Leo sign thing on his necklace.

5. Lance will hint, but never come out and confess about Danielle Fishel(Topanga).

4. They all have rumors going around about supposed girlfriends--but you never hear anything about Chris.

3. Justin's sleeves are always pushed up...ewww, hairy arms.

2. Open Vibe magazine and you will find all the clothing ads are stuff they wear, but their W-H-I-T-E.

1. Chris could be Tommy Lee's twin!

Top Ten Reasons WE like N Sync:

10. Cuz Lance is from Mississippi

9. Chris' dreds

8. The song Giddy Up...whooo hooo...JUST RIDE IT!

7. Joey's Jello fantasy

6. They use the word CRUNK freely

5. JC's jazz ver-si-ons

4. GMHS--how sweet is that song?! Awww...

3. Justy + wifebeater=US drooling uncontrollably

2. 5 guys that sing AND dance...what more could you want?

1. Pelvic thrusts that could put an eye out!!

Top Ten things'N Sync should NEVER EVER DO Again:

10. Tell the story about the girl in the airport on the conveyer belt. Okay, she was crazy. We get the point...about 300 tellings ago.

9. Bleach their hair white again, especially Lance. That did not help him escape looking like the Mississippi albino he is.

8. Wear camouflage overalls with a neon orange sweatshirt. What makes this worse is that the first time I (Jamie) saw 'N Sync in Concert in June, Chris was wearing this. Yes, that was one month BEFORE the Disney concert. As a matter of fact, they were all wearing the same outfits from the Disney Special.

7. Date a girl who's named after fruit.

6. Wear those godawful Chinese outfits.

5. Say, "I'm gettin' jiggy, baby."

4. Dress like Spice Girls. I know some of y'all want to see the "U Drive Me Crazy" video on MTV, but the thought terrifies me.

3. Say they are going to be in a movie. Perish the thought. Oh the horror! Please stick to singing.

2. Wear those outfits from the American Music Awards.

1. Wear those outfits from the Billboard Music Awards.

Top Ten Things the Guys Should Do More Often --invented by Kristin's sick sense of humor

10. Shower --Chris (this is just a JOKE! We all know that Chris washes...right?!?)

9. Use more than 3 words per sentences, making sure most words contain at least 4 letters --Joey

8. Confer with a dictionary before opening his mouth, to find out if the words he's saying are English, or his own version of ghetto --J-Dogg

7. Move to a northern or western state so there is no longer an excuse for stupid actions --Lance

6. Start taking ugly pills, cause he's WAY TOO FINE to not be mine! --JC (and Justin too!)

5. Begin dating girls who don't wear clothing with his mug shot and reprinted signature on it --Chris

4. Give up Jello for Lent so the story will die down --Joey

3. Give up working out and making himself look seXXXy for Lent, so Kristin and millions of girls worldwide will no longer have a reason to faint at the sight of him! --Justin

2. Give all makeup products to Topenga (damn--she needs it SO much more than him!) --Lance

and the #1 things the guys should stop doing is...

1. Realize, hey--we're 5 attractive, desirable men---why the HELL are we dressing alike in public?? --ALL!!

TOP 10 REASONS FOR WEIRD BEHAVIOR IN *N SYNC!! --Kristin's sickness is at it again!

10. Mommy's obsessiveness is finally getting to baby JuJu

9. Well, cuz Lance is from Mississippi, and isn't that always a good enough reason?

8. JC just CAN'T survive with only 15 hours of sleep a day!

7. Chris' dreads are just strung a LITTLE too tight to his head--it slows the blood flow, and everything goes downhill from there

6. Going to school with Howie would be a helluva traumatic experience for ANYONE! How can we expect Joey to be different?

5. After the thousandth or so neon-yellow dye job, Justin's hair color begins to seep through to his brain

4. All the sexual taunting and pick-up lines from Nick Carter have caused Lance to never be able to look at a pretty blonde the same way

3. If YOU had ever been with that hooch Nikki, imagine how you would feel now! I really sympathize for poor JC!!

2. Being separated from the wife and two kids for months at a time is pretty tough for Chris


1. Ummm, like, sometimes, Joey sometimes has trouble forming full sentences that are full, and that gets frustrating!

--None of this was meant to be malicious--I ADORE these guys!! :) Kristin

Joey's Best Pickup Lines

Top 10 Things Justin's Fro Resembles

Top 10 Reasons Lance Stopped Being PooFoo