Unoriginal Much?!

Yes, a little TOO much....MUCH TOO MUCH!!

Ok, again the story is my sister and I analyzing *N SYNC performances and such. Rachel (being the ever observant one--came up with most of these) I however, usually end up just drooling incessantly over Justin. So these little moments of pure UNORIGINALITY on *N SYNC's part, were found by Rachel! So enjoy!!

Although it's not during this's during this song. You know when Justin starts saying "Thought I told you that we won't stop, thought I told ya that we won't stop...uhuh-uhuh"? Well--that little "rap" is property of PUFF DADDY. Justin, Justin...what are we gonna do with you? I thought you were being so original baby...but then the truth comes out. What's up with that?

Ok, the next thing is the whole..."If ya'll wanna party like we do" thing. Interestingly enough, Rachel was listening to Jock Jams Three one day. #13 (I believe that is what number it is) began to play, and she noticed a familiar chant. Yes--it was the SAME one *N SYNC is doing at their concerts and such. Boys, boys, boys, yet another sign of unoriginality. What are we going to do with you? Maybe a good spanking would do the!

So anyways, anyone who has been to a concert is familiar with the spacesuit dance. It is practically the coolest opening I have ever seen. Again, Rachel was bored, and listening to old tapes. (Don't ask, I don't know!) She came across Janet Jackson's "JANET" tape. So she popped it in. The song "IF"--listen to it. The beginning is REALLY familiar...a little too familiar! Yes, sadly, our boys have borrowed something yet again. Oh well. One question, is the dance they do in their spacesuits anything like the video for "IF"? A good question--that I don't really quite know the answer to. Oh well.

"Now what we gonna do right here, is, we gon' smooth it out...uh, huh" Nice try Justy, but I think Puffy (?) started that. Oh well, there go your points for originality!

**I have received NUMEROUS emails from people responding to the question about Janet...and if they stole the dance from her vid/concert. Well, the majority says, "No, they did not steal it"...but there are a few who think there are possibly a few moves in there somewhere that were "borrowed" by the boys. Sooo...I figure, hey, it's original enough for me. I guess I can leave it up here though, just cuz I am too lazy to take it down. Plus the page might look a little bare. Lol.

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