Wild on the Vegas Strip

If you all saw E!'s Wild on the Vegas Strip...N Sync made a brief appearance on it. Minus my Justy however...what's up wit dat?!?

It starts out with a shot of some lady's boob is like barely covered by a skinny silver triangle swimsuit top. She is pointing out a PlayBoy bunny tattoo that she happens to have on her boob. WHY am I mentioning this you ask? Well, because after it shows that...it shows a shot of JC...and he says, "Pretty much Sin City". Lol..then it shows the tattoo lady again. JC and SIN in the same sentence? I think we better write this one down girls...cuz it will probably never occur again.

"Gonna get our hands slapped a few times"--Chris Kirkpatrick. So..going to be grabbing tattoo lady a little later on there Chris?

Next came the Billboard Awards after party.

First comment: WHERE THE HELL IS JUSTY?? HANSON got in, but Justy didn't? Good one! I know he's there...but why didn't they show him?

The reporter lady asks JC.."Having a good time?" and he answers, "Most definitely." Shocked the hell outta me, my guess was he would be like..."NO! I want to go home and go to bed, but the guys won't let me."

Next, it shows Wild Orchid completely TRASHED, and they spot Joey. They begin yelling...N Sync, N Sync, N Sync. (It was a TAD bit annoying.) Joey stumbles over...LITERALLY. (Translation: He is obviously smashed). Anyways, Joey waves to someone, and ends up spilling one of the Wild Orchid's drinks. She starts laughing HYSTERICALLY. (Hey, it wasn't that funny, but I guess you can't appreciate it as much if you are sober). Joey says, "I didn't do that." (and squints at the light by the camera). "There was a light in my eye, that's why I couldn't see your hand", he slurred. (Are you sure it was the LIGHT that made you do it Joey?) "It's wild, it's crazy, I'm leaving at four in the morning, but I'm still here." Joeys final words--before he passed out...j/k. Woohoo!

"We need to turn these cameras off and get back out on the dance floor, ya'll need to buzz off!"--Chris. He wants to get Jiggy Baby!

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