*N SYNC's Favorite Videos

I know ya'll saw *N SYNC's Favorite Videos on MTV...all 5 hours of it. I actually found it quite interesting. The little pop up facts were kinda cool--some I didn't know the answers to. (Such as who has the worst tempers? Lance and JC--who knew?! My guess would be Justin when he doesn't get his way.) Also, the guys themselves amused me...almost every word that came out of their mouths was comedic in one way or another. So on this page you will find some quotes I found especially interesting.

"It's an oldie but goodie to me, cuz' I'm only like 3 years old."--Justin's intro to the song "Hip Hop Hooray". (What are you TALKING about?! Only like 3 years old?? Yeah, sure Justin...whatever.)

"Nice hair!"--Chris on the tour bus, talking to someone on the street. (Making fun of pedestrians and all that fun stuff.)

"Won't you come--what's up with this? (Makes face)"--Chris after Blackhole Sun video. (Lovely face Chris--I guess it's something only a mother can love!)

"But only if you're good!"--Justin after Joey mentions giving a tour of the bus. "How do we know if we're good, we're not Santa Claus."--Chris to Justin.

"Get on the bus!"--Justin. (Ok, ok...stop being so bossy boy!)

"We're just lounging Lance."--Justin when Lance is giving a tour of the bus.

"Lounge...kitchen...the lounge...the kitchen."--Lance while giving a tour. (By the way Lance, nice little hopping dance move...you should make the guys integrate THAT one into one of your dances!)

"Lance is giving a tour, TRY to be quiet."--Justin trying to be courteous. (Justin--you should be nice to Lance, at least he got his ass up to GIVE the tour.)

"Bathroom, spacious little bathroom."--Lance (Um...sue me if I'm wrong, but isn't that an oxymoron there Lancey?!)

"This is where we put our naked asses."--Ok...you have to listen very closely for this one. You can hear it after Lance shows us the bathroom. I think it's Chris. (No comment on this one--I think it speaks for itself.)

"This is my bunk, but it's been kinda turned into the community junk bunk, I haven't slept in it yet."--Lance. (So where exactly have you been sleeping?! With Joey perhaps?!)

"She stole my ice cream! I was so mad!"--Joey about Janet Jackson. (Lord knows you needed that ice cream more than her, right Joey?!)

"I think Joey takes some time with his hair though, it takes him like 30 years to spray that mop up."--JC when asked who takes the longest to get ready.

"After the break, we're gonna get to know Joey a little better...and man I feel bad for you guys at home."--JC

"That was an onion...ONION!!! It's WAR!"--JC after getting hit in the head with an onion Joey threw. (I must say that this was one of the most entertaining moments. JC getting smacked in the head with an onion...twice. Classic!)

"No more tears fellas, no more tears."--Chris talking to Joey and Justin. (Although Justin is making himself tear up by practically shoving an onion up his nose, and Joey is actually LAUGHING--it still was pretty funny.)

"Smell this...smell this!"--Justin holding an onion out to Chris. (Although he says this in an extrememly high pitched voice that kinda grated on my nerves, it made me laugh anyways.)

"I don't know any of these people."--JC (Good call JC!)

"What chu talkin' 'bout little brain Willis?"--Justin to Lance after the comment Lance made about "picking Justin's little brain". (Don't get all bent out of shape Justin, he's just stating the obvious!)

"Don't let him fool you, Joey has no shame--you can't embarass Joey."--JC (Just confirming what we already knew...thanks JC.)

"I'm just chillin' on the voicebox...tryin' to get a little action."--Justin (come on baby, you're looking in the wrong place! Come see me! j/k)

"Ooooooo....love ta, love ta, love ya!"--Justin (Ok, that isn't a funny quote, but I love it anyways.)

Oooohhh, isn't that special?!"--JC talking about how the guy didn't die in GMHS video.

"My wife and 2 children, I care about them so much."--Chris when asked about his most prized possession.