Voice Mail

All the guys have cell phones...and sometimes they're just a little too busy to answer them, so they rely heavily on their voice mail. We were curious, so we called them to see what their messages said. (* These messages are made up versions, we do not know *N SYNC, or their cell phone numbers.*)

Check the links to read some messages left on voice mail by other members of the group. This week...Justin has been busy trying to get a hold of all the members...and only one person has returned his call. Take a look....

*1/6/99* Lance has been calling the boys...and it looks like JC is the only one responsible enough to call him back! JC also returned Justin's call this week!*

*1/16/99* JC finally called Joey and Chris back! Also, Joey has been trying to get ahold of the guys.

*2/18/99*Wowee...long time, no update! Anyways, Joey called Chris, and Chris finally got back to all the other guys...SORTA. He has such a bad case of alzheimer's right now, so he has a hard time remembering who he is calling. So don't be confused if he gets a few calls wrong...ifyaknowwhatimsayin. Haha!


Thrust It Home BAYBEE