October 3rd, 1998 - The Shady Glen in Lodi, Ohio.
Time Has Come/The Regulars/Face Value
This show was done outside, it was a little rainy but it went well. We did this show with The Regulars and Face Value. The Regulars went over great but they always do a great set, every song sticks in your head and you find your self singing in your head the next day(oh oh oh-oh oh oh oh). The Value did all the classics and sounded good even with a new singer, they still had Downtown, Tony Hinton on bass and my bud John on drums.

August 28th, 1998 - Club 141 in Mansfield, Ohio.
The Neurotics and The GC5 Allstars/Time Has Come
This was an early show it started around 5pm, the show started off with The Neurotics and The GC5 Allstars playing some classic covers. Then they each played a set, then we took the stage and had plenty of help with backups and Paul from The Neurotics helped Scott with the drum part on "Devoted To Nothing". A fun show even though not many people knew about it.

August 22nd, 1998 - Woodstock Station Mansfield, Ohio.
The Regulars/The Neurotics/The GC5/Time Has Come
What can you say when these four bands get together! Always a great show and always a great turn out. The crowd partispation once again is awsome! we can never say how much we love all the kids that come out and have a great time, thanks!!!

August 1st, 1998 - The Proving Grounds in Dayton, Ohio.
Time Has Come/Cold As Life/The Sacto Hoods
We played this show with Cold As Life from Detroit and The Sacto Hoods from California. Always a good time when we get to play with Cold As Life, if you never heard them I suggest getting their new disc! This was our second show with them, the Hoods put on a great show even though they got thier late. We only got video of Cold As Life from this show because our loveable roadie Stu was mad at us and as he put it "I'm mad at you guys so I'm going to protest you by not taping the show". Well the little baby didnt tape us but we do have many others!!

July 18th, 1998 - Some Community Center in Radcliff, Kentucky.
Next 2 Nothing/Time Has Come/Earthmover
Well at this show we played with Next 2 Nothing from Toledo, Ohio and Earthmover from Detroit. This was a pretty cool show, sorry to say we didnt get any of the other bands on tape the camera battery took a shit on us. But both bands were cool as hell and put on a killer show, lots of energy. We hope to do more shows with them in the future. It was about a 5 hour trip down there but it was well worth it. Going up the hills in KY in our newly perchased van was a real workout. Stu had the best seat for the whole trip, clear in the back of the van on the floor and no window!! We would like to thank Moose for getting us down there to play and all the kids that sang along!!!

June 25th, 1998 - Woodstock Station Mansfield, Ohio.
The Regulars/The Neurotics/The GC5/Time Has Come
This show was the first real big show at the woodstock! And the line up was why: The Regulars, The Neurotics, The GC5 and Time Has Come. Always a great line-up and our second time seeing The Regulars, they sounded great got alot of them on tape but Stu's lazy ass didnt get to much of The Neurotics and The GC5, but got some and they both put on a great show. Over all everybody sounded great and these four bands will be doing many shows together.

May 29th, 1998 - Mansfield Commerce Center.
Five Lanky White Guys/Time Has Come/The Migraines/The GC5
This is the coolest place in Mansfield to put on a show but it is very expensive. This time The Migraines from Ft. Wayne, Indiana, 5 Lanky White Guys from Cleveland, The GC5 and Time Has Come. Probably one of our best shows yet. In the opening spot, 5LWG got a pretty good crowd response in their debut in Mansfield, and set things up for us. We played a high energy old school hardcore set getting everyone in the place going crazy and ready for The Migraines and The GC5. Some good video footage from this show.

May 21st, 1998 - Woodstock Station Mansfield, Ohio.
Killbomb/The GC5/Time Has Come
This was our first show here it was on a Thursday night. Not to many people at this one but it was setting things up for what was ahead. Killbomb, The GC5 and Time Has Come. This was a fun show we were just getting to know those fun loveing GC5 guys back then.

May 16th, 1998 - The Ohio State Campus(Mansfield branch).
The GC5/Time Has Come/plus a bunch of worthless bands
This was a show for some kind of thing-a-ma-bob, but I cant remember. The GC5 and Time Has Come, there were other bands but who knows?(:-O) It was our first show with GC5 and it was cool. The Sloppy Joes were very HOT! And the guy reading the poetry was rudely interupted by Stu tuning up the Guitars(it was great)!!

May 9th, 1998 - Todd's place, Mansfield, Ohio.
Killbomb/Crush Efeckt/Time Has Come
Killbomb, Crush Efeckt and Time Has Come. This was our first show in Mansfield in over a year. We just wanted to get away from the local thing for awhile I guess. But it was cool to do a show around here again. Killbomb opened things up with Wild Bill and "Kip" doing the screaming. Then came the Metal Gods of Fury and Mayhem from Columbus, Ohio-Crush Efeckt!! Mark? you are God!!!

Between these shows we recorded the 5 song demo at Mars Studio in Clevo. I think it was in April.

March 14th, 1998 - The Proving Grounds in Dayton, Ohio.
Time Has Come/No Other Way
We did this show with No Other Way and some kick ass Punk band(great Sabbath cover!), I wish I knew their name but I dont sorry! This was our second show with No Other Way. And our second time at the Proving Grounds, this time they had a stage built. Some preety cool "dancing" footage here!!

March 7th, 1998 - Radcliff, Kentucky at some rec-center.
Time Has Come/No Other Way
our first time in Radcliff, I was surprised about the scene down there it was cool. It was also our first show with No Other Way from Dayton, Ohio. Met alot of cool kids at this show. It was way out there but we found it!

February 21st, 1998 - Jammers West Columbus, Ohio.
Time Has Come/Godbox
Well not much to say here: IT SUCKED!! The sound was lame and we were just a bit out of place playing for a Korn crowd(bla bla bla). It was great seeing the guys from Godbox again, thanks. We just dont like that place maybe if it was with a few more Hardcore bands.

January 17th, 1998 - The Proving Grounds in Dayton, Ohio.
Time Has Come/Reach For The Sky/Cold as Life/Blood For Blood
Our first show here and what a first show it was!! Time Has Come, Reach For The Sky, Cold as Life and Blood For Blood !!! A kick ass show, got a few songs from both Reach for The Sky and Cold As Life. And got the whole Blood For Blood set. Everybody was cool about letting us video tape them, Thanks!!!

January 15th, 1998 - Bernies Columbus, Ohio-ARA benefit (anti-racist action).
Time Has Come
A very laid back show, all kinds of musical styles here but it was worth every minute. Its bullshit to see some one get the shit kicked out of them for no reason but their skin color, We were glad to be a part of this show! .

January 2nd, 1998 - The Alrosa Villa, Columbus, Ohio.
Durango/Time Has Come/Crush Efeckt/P.O.S. (Product Of Society)/Mr. Moo
One of the 100 times we played the Villa. Its always a good time playing there with Crush Efeckt and P.O.S.

January 1st, 1998 - High-V(five), Columbus, Ohio.
Strong Side Red/Time Has Come/Mr. Moo
Our second time there in a row we also played there on 12/13/97. We played with Strong Side Red and Mr. Moo. Nothing special about this show, you know if we played, we played if not oh well...Maybe because it was New Years Day.

November 8th, 1997 - Lucindas Columbus, Ohio.
Time Has Come/Crush Efeckt
We played here with Crush Efeckt, its our second time in this kinda wierd club. For their lighting they used black lights, but it was ok. I cant remember how much we loved loading in and up two flights of stairs!

November 6th, 1997 - Chelsies Columbus, Ohio.
Time Has Come/Vision/Agnostic Front
After we heard Agnostic Front was coming we tried so hard to get on the bill with these guys and what ya know we did on the same day of the show. We started the show off and did pretty well, then Vision hit the stage and kicked ass right before A.F. came on. We got almost their whole set on video along with a few words from Vinny! This show opened up alot of other shows for us.

October 18th, 1997 - We played two shows in one night in Columbus, Ohio.
Bent/Time Has Come/Victim...616-Undone/Time Has Come/P.O.S.(Product Of Society)
It was a long night, first we opened up for Bent and Victim at the Alrosa Villa and took off down the road to Jammers West(yee-haw!!). We played there with 616-Undone and P.O.S.(Product Of Society). One of the bands didnt show but we still had to wait almost 2 hours till we went on so we went down to this "nice" little juice bar(OH YEA!!!). Our second show in one night took a toll on T's voice but it was ok even though we still hated the place.

In late September and early October we recorded the 10 song demo at Mars studio in Clevo.

September 26th, 1997 - The Alrosa Villa Columbus, Ohio.
Dominion/Time Has Come/Crush Efeckt
Our first show at the Alrosa under THC, it was funny watching people reactions, playing all new material along with a few oldies. It was a good show overall. We didnt really care what everybody thought because it was mainly a metal club.

September 20th, 1997 - Lucindas Columbus, Ohio.
Dominion/Time Has Come/Pummel/P.O.S.(Product Of Society)
Our first show here with Pummel, Dominion and P.O.S.(Product Of Society). Our second show under the Name THC, plus I think we had to do this show without Tony because he still had a few shows to do with Face Value. But DAM IT! We still had a good time!

August 23rd, 1997 - Louisville, KY.
Time Has Come
I have no idea what this place was called but for our first show as Time Has Come it should have been alot better. This guy from down there called and said how big this show was going to be. He was full of SHIT!!! Plus it was another show without Tony. We hate when some people build shit up so big just to get you to come down and play for 9 people and with a Testament tribute band. What a fucking waste of time!!!

June 12th, 1997 - Euclid Tavern Cleveland, Ohio.
Time Has Come/Cutthroat/Murphy's Law
Our last show as Hostile Environment but it was a good one, with Cutthroat and Murphy's Law. A killer show form the boys from NYC!! Got their whole show, one of the best videos we got. And a cool place to play. We even got Jimmy doing a little stand-up, funny as hell!!

May 11, 1997- Canton, Ohio Sadie Rene's.
Time Has Come/Warzone
WARZONE and a few other bands that I cant remember. The club was not a place for a Hardcore show but it was great playing with Warzone and meeting Raybeez(R.I.P.). We were still under the name Hostile Environment but not for long! but we met some cool people at this show and it was cool that Warzone let us video tape their whole set!!!

Dont forget any videos you would like to have just e-mail us!!! And I'll give ya the info, and there is no charge for these videos just send me a tape and tell me what you want!!!

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