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Satan's goal is always to get to the will and control it.. He must begin by deceiving the mind, as with Eve, or by attacking the body , as with Job, but ultimately he must get to the will..

If Satan can get you to act independently of God's will, he can then control your will and control your life. You will think that you are acting freely, which is part of Satan's deception, but actually you will be acting under orders from the ruler of this world..

If you yield these three areas ( your will, mind, and body ) of your life daily to the Spirit of God, then the Spirit will empower you to defeat the devil. When you first awaken, immediately give your body to God as an act of faith, and prove that you mean it by getting out of bed.. The discipline of getting up in the morning is a part of spiritual victory. The next step is to reach for your Bible and present your mind to God for spiritual renewal.. It's the Word of God that renews the mind and transforms it..The next step -- give Him your will, and this you do in prayer. The important thing in prayer is to yield your will to God's will in the matter that you pray about. When you have taken these steps, you will have surrendered yourself totally to th Lord -- body, mind, and will.

The person who is truly humble has these characteristics:

  • He knows himself.
  • He accepts himself.
  • He yields himself to God.
  • He seeks to better himself that he might serve God better.
  • The humble man realizes that all he has comes form God and must be given to God.. ( John 3:27; 1 Corinthians 4:7 )

    It is important that we learn to distiguish between Satan's accusations and the Spirit's convictions..

    If the believer cultivates in his life any known sin, he is giving Satan an opportunity to invade and take over other areas. ( Ephesians 4:27 )

    Dr. Waren Wiersbe states, "My own experience has been that the morning is the best time to put on the armor. After I have given God my body, mind, and will, I ask the Holy Spirit to fill me, and then I, by faith, put on the pieces of the armor by prayer."

    The strategy of Satan Warren Wiersbe.
    Wheaton, Illinois; Tyndale House, 1985

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