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Friend's Homepages

<flower Hannan's homepage: A very "sweet" site just like the twins !! :)



flower Angelfire: Angelfire - Join us the Angels ;)
flower Yahoo: Go there and say Yahoo! (my, my what a lame thing to do ;))
flower IRAQ: The best there is in the great land of two rivers
flower Blue Mountain Arts: Beautiful cards for beautiful friends :)
flower Graphics made by Bimsan: Nice backgrounds and graphics :)
flower Hallmark: When you care enough to send the very best.
flower Teletoon: We're tinies..We're toonies...
flower Be mine: It's a lovely place to go to visit and look at some cards to send to ur loved ones :)



flower VIRC: Who am I talking to ?
flower Softwares: Other good softwares that might interest you.
flower Download: Anything u need, u'll find it here


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