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undefined The planet that spins in a different direction than the rest of the galaxy. < insert creative title >


< insert creative title >

**Succisa Virescit:
Struck down, it will live again.


LearN SomethinG.
     Let's start with a generic little introduction.
Hi. My name is Andrea (On-dree-uh), and I'm 17.
I'm also known as Drea, which anyone can call me, and Gimpy, which is reserved to only one person. (sorry). I live with my mom and sister Anna, who's 13 and crazy.

     If you want to know about me, you can find it by continuing on, and if you DON'T want to know about me, please explain why you're here. I want to add that if you have a short attention span, you won't survive on this page very long...)

     Basically my life is music related (I'm a percussionist who can also play flute, saxophone and keyboard. Workin on guitar, dang it.) I used to sing when I was younger, and I miss that a lot. I'd love to get back into it, but right now I don't exactly have an outlet for, anyway, I also enjoy writing (poetry, stories, music, songs, etc.), skiing when the opportunity arises, reading, working on this page (when I get time!), playing video games, trying to let it sink in that I'm done with highschool forever..., complaining about the world, and that sort of stuff. I love drawing, especially cartoons!!!

     I consider myself to be pretty opinionated, and you can read examples of that by reading on.

     I'm going to go to our local branch of OSU or the tech school here to start out with. It'd be sweet to end up at the Academy of Art College in San Fran. where I'd love to study animation. That would kick.

     I'm also a bit on the sarcastic side (really!), and a bit...*unique*<-- haha, relative term... Basically anything else you would care to know about me (and probably lots of stuff you don't care to know about me) you will find linked below.

     Also, I want to add that my email address is send me something....I haven't changed it anywhere other than here, because I'm lazy. So, there.
Ok. that's enough. *whew* All that was WAY too long. I'm so sorry!! (but not really, because you did just sit here and read all of it, am I right?)

** The links below are all the same as the dropdown, just in case it doesn't work out for ya. The main reason I added the dropdown is b/c of the background fade having to load each time this page is in your browser. I realize how annoying that is...

*cough{SignTheGuestbook!!}cough* oh...Excuse me: It isn't in the dropdown, and I suppose in not putting it there I'm shooting myself in the foot when it comes to getting folks to sign it. But, blah, just do it anyway! *please*

|| SIGN my guestbook ||
|| VIEW my guestbook ||

|| Like I said, these are all the same as the dropdown, so don't get exciting thinking you found uncharted territory!!
Poetry Index || My Life History (actually, just the medical part.) || Frequently Asked Questions (sort of). || News/Updates/Ramblings- a.k.a: The only place guaranteed to be updated on a regular basis. If there are any other changes, you'll find out about them here. || T.T.W.M.A.S.& Q.Y.C.A. (Just click it.) || Bands/Music || The Music Industry vs. The Heart of Music || My Favorite Stuff || Things I dislike/disagree with || Revelations! (what I've learned.) || My views on America's "Patriotism" || My thoughts on crying/emotions/etc...(Depressing) || Anatomy of a Rumor- me venting, but I suggest you read it anyway. || MOCK CRASH pictures! || NEW PICTURES!! I don't care, but you might! || Old Pictures Part I || Old Pictures Part II || Old Pictures Part III || Friends (don't waste your time with this. Really.) || Cool Person of the Moment (ok, so there's more than just one person on here...) || Word Association || My personal views on Straight (sXe) Edge || Space Blammo (game -> requires Java.) || Links ||

I'm pimpin' for a great band (and friend).
So support them, dang it!!
i.e.- CLICK the banner

**Everything herein is mine, unless otherwise specified. I value others' opinions, and I hope you can value mine, regardless of whether or not you agree with them.
(c) Andrea N. Wittmer 1997-2002

Davey Havok is my hero...
click him to go to the official AFI site