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Hockey Terms E to I

Elbowing-A minor penalty which occurs when a player strikes his opponent with an elbow to
impede his progress.
Empty-net goal-A goal scored against a team that has pulled the goalie.
Endboards-The boards at each end of the rink.
Enforcer-Also called the policeman; is usually the most penalized player on a team; he has the job of
protecting his teammates from harm; generally a larger player who is not afraid of any fight.
Exhibition game-A game not included in the regular-season schedule and which does not count in
the standings; the All-Star Game or other games generally played before the season begins.
Expansion-The addition of teams.
Expansion team-A team that has been recently added.
Face mask: The protective mask worn by the goalie.
Face-Off-The action of an official dropping the puck between the sticks of two opposing players to
start play. A face-off beings when the Referee indicates its location and the officials take their appropriate positions and ends when the puck has been legally dropped.
Falling on the puck-A minor penalty, which occurs when a player other than the goalie closes his
hand on the puck, deliberately falls on the puck, or gathers the puck under his body while lying on the ice.
Feeding-Passing the puck.
Fighting-A major penalty which occurs when two or more players drop their sticks and gloves and
fight; if a referee deems one player to be the instigator, that player gets a game misconduct; the minor penalty for a less severe pushing and shoving fight is called roughing.
Five-hole-The area between the goalie's leg pads.
Flat pass-When a player passes the puck to a teammate along the surface of the ice.
Flip pass-A pass by a player to a teammate that lifts the puck from the ice and sends it through the
air, usually for the purpose of getting it over an opponent’s stick.
Flip shot-A shot in which a player cups the puck in his stick, then flips it with his wrists up off the ice
towards the goal; this sometimes makes the puck harder to block.
Forecheck-To keep opponents in their end while trying to recover the puck.
Forehand-A shot or pass taken from the right side of a right-handed player or from the left side of a
left-handed player.
Forward line or attacking line-Consists of two wings (right and left) and a center; these three players
play nearer the opponent’s goal and are responsible for most of the scoring.
Forwards-The three players who make up the attacking line or forward line of a team — the center
and the right and left wings.
Foul-Any infraction of the rules that will draw a penalty.
Franchise-A team; the legal arrangement that establishes ownership of a team.
Freezing the Puck-When the puck is held against the board with a stick or a skate.
Full strength-When a team has its full complement of 6 players on the ice.
Game Suspension(s)-When a player, Coach or Manager receives a game suspension(s), he shall
not be eligible to participate in the next game(s) that were already on the schedule of that team before the incident occurs.
Get the jump-To move fast and thereby get a good start on the opponents.
Goal-Provides one point; scored when a puck goes between the goalposts from the stick of an
attacking player and entirely crosses the red line between the goalposts; also the informal term used to refer to the area made of the goalposts and the net guarded by the goalie and into which a puck must enter to score a point.
Goal cage-A 6 foot wide by 4 foot high tubular steel frame consisting of a cross bar and two
goalposts to which a net is attached.
Goalkeeper-A goalkeeper is a person designated as such by a team who is permitted special
equipment and privileges to prevent the puck from entering the goal.
Goal line-The two-inch red line between the goalposts that stretches in both directions to the
Goalposts-The metal bars that frame the area to which the net is attached which rests on the center
of the goal line and between which a puck must pass to score a goal.
Hat Trick-When a player scores three goals in one game.
Hash Marks - The straight lines emerging from the two big circles in front of both nets.
These lines direct players where to line up for faceoffs.
Head-Butting-The physical use of one's head in the course of delivering a body-check (head first)
in the chest, head, neck or back area or the physical use of the head to strike an opponent.
Head deke-When a player drops his head as though moving one way and quickly moves in another
to fake out the opponent.
Headmanning-When a player passes the puck ahead to a teammate.
HECC-The Hockey Equipment Certification Council is an independent organization responsible for
the development, evaluation and testing of performance standards for protective ice hockey equipment. There are standards for face masks, helmets and skate blades.
Heel of the Stick-The point where the shaft of the stick and the bottom of the blade meet.
High Sticking-When a player brings their stick above shoulder level. It is a penalty when used
against another player.
Holding-A minor penalty which occurs when a player grabs and holds onto an opponent (or his
stick) with his hands or arms to impede the opponent’s progress.
Home team-The team in whose arena the game is being played;Usually the team wearing the lighter
Hook check-A sweep of the stick low to the ice to take the puck from an opponent’s stick. Hooking-The action of applying the blade of the stick to any part of an opponent's body or stick
and impeding his progress by a pulling or tugging motion with the stick.
Icing-When the puck travels from behind the center red line over the other team’s red goal line.
Injury Potential Penalties-Injury Potential Penalties include Butt-Ending, Checking from Behind,
Head-Butting, Spearing, Board Checking, Charging, Cross-Checking, Elbowing/Kneeing, High Sticking, Holding the Facemask, Slashing and Roughing. The Linesman may report such infractions to the Referee, following the next stoppage of play, that have occurred behind the play, and were unobserved by the Referee.
Interference-To keep a player from playing the puck when they are not directly involved with a play.
Intermission-A “recess” between each of the periods of a hockey game.

Anything in bold was just added. It will remain bold until the next update.
